Mountain Journey Graphic Novel

The first panel shows Dave Conroy, climbing the mountain to ski down and get to the Hoodoo cabin faster, moaning about the cold. The second one shows him that he doesn’t have to sleep under the pine, as he thought he might make it into the house, walking through the pine panel. The third panel is Dave warming himself up with a match after he fell through the ice and landed in a river, sweating and freezing. The fourth panel is Dave’s discovery of the house, but with no sign of it burning to the ground. The fifth panel shows Dave slumbering on the soft snow. Dave wakes up in the sixth row, numb from the cold, he starts to hallucinate, he sees a house in the distance. The seventh panel is Dave losing consciousness, being in no place to move at all. And Dave lies there in the last row, probably dead, and is gradually getting covered by the snow.

One thought on “Mountain Journey Graphic Novel

  1. Thank you for posting your “Graphic Novel” project taking one source of writing (literature) and transferring it into a new piece of media using your creative perspective. Below are some observations about your post:

    – Excellent use of the software (Pixton) to retell the narrative
    – You did a good job making this look like a graphic novel, creative variety of scenes
    – You should have embedded this properly on your blog, not just a link

    Overall, I think you did a great job with the technology!

    Mr. Barazzuol
    (COL-ADL10 Teacher)

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