powtoon project

Adam K
English Language Arts 9
Ms. Rance
Mr. Barazzuol
COL PowToon Project Reflection
Creating this project was a very fresh and new project. I really enjoyed transforming the poem into a visual. But it did present some challenges, for example, it was very difficult to keep the whole video under three minutes [if I wanted more time I would have to pay], it was also very difficult to time everything right and get it so that hands weren’t coming in at the same time. Another thing that was quite frustrating was finding pictures, it was not easy finding “man smiling on fire”. And the last thing that I found difficult was finding the references in the poem, it was so draining finding references for every slide. There was one aspect of this project that I like such as the designing, from an artistic standpoint this project was incredibly fun in the was that I could customize the animations or the colors of the slides.

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