With your table,

·         You will be given a drawing of a circuit by the teacher

·         You will create a human or real model circuit of the drawing that you are given

·         You will then draw the circuit that you created without looking at the original drawing

·         You will play for pride

While you wait your turn,

·         Compare the review questions that you circled

·         Help everyone solve the questions

·         This will count towards pride

·         We will review answers at the end of class

When you are finished,

·         You can complete the bonus questions for bonus pride


Mon, Mar 27th


Welcome back from spring break. We have a fun-filled week learning about electricity. Today, we will focus on voltage. Tomorrow, current. Wednesday, resistance. Voltage, current and resistance will be learned using guiding principles of Ohm’s law. There will be a review day on Thursday before the electricity test on Friday, March 31st.

Read: Volts, Ohm’s and Amps

Do: Light It Up Experiment

Watch: Bill Nye – Circuits

For tomorrow: Current

Wed, March 8th

Pop Can Race reports are due!

  • Groups can send 1 package of pages 1-8 for the entire group (make sure every members name is listed)
  • Everyone must send in their own page 9 (self-reflection)
  • Submit electronically to

The Elders Are Watching

  • “We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, we borrow the land from our children”
  • Connect this quote to how we use electricity?
  • Post your art onto your edublog including your response to the question above