HCE 9 – English write

The word document

In this photo you can tell that most of the kids have gone through forces assimilation. You can also tell through the colors in this photo, as the kids wearing grey have gone through forced assimilation and have gone through the residential schools and have been stirpped of their culture, while the kids wearing color represent that they did not go through the residential schools and have not been stripped of their culture. The kids wearing color also indicate that they are happier and the kids wearing grey show that they are not happy and they don’t like what’s happening to them. The lighting in this photo goes from grey scale to one that’s mostly grey and then to one where theres full color. I think that the side that’s full grey has been fully stripped of their culture and that they don’t know their language anymore. The middle part of the photo shows that the kids are slowly losing their culture and that they might just barely remember their language. The last side that shows all the kids with full color show that they know their culture and that they know their language. Through this image you can see what Residential schools did to indigenous kids who posed no harm to anyone. This image shows the sad and cruel reality of what happened to the kids that went through residential schools. The artist is trying to show what the residential schools did to the kids throughout the years and the impact is had.

Indigenous Exploration – Social Issue topic

Nay, I. (2024, February 7). Feds’ labour data shows wage gap for indigenous workers. Canada’s National Observer. https://www.nationalobserver.com/2024/02/07/news/feds-labour-data-shows-wage-gap-indigenous-workers  

Prabhudesai, A. I. (2022, August 12). The unemployment crisis of indigenous people in Canada. Journey to Diversity Workplaces. https://www.j2dw.ngo/2022/07/indigenous-unemployment-crisis/  

CBC/Radio Canada. (2017, January 19). Stats show glaring gap between Indigenous and non-indigenous employment rates in the N.W.T. | CBC News. CBCnews. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/north/indigenous-employment-statistics-canada-nwt-1.3942204  

Gale – Institution finder. (n.d.-a). https://link.gale.com/apps/  

Mike Gouldhawke  Nov 1, 2022  7 min read, Kate Jacobson  Apr 30, 2018  9 min read, Liam Devitt  Nov 1, 2022  11 min read, Dan Darrah  Jun 30, 2021  12 min read, & New Union Movement Research Group  Jul 6, 2023  11 min read. (n.d.). Indigenous Labour struggles. Briarpatch Magazine. https://briarpatchmagazine.com/articles/view/indigenous-labour-struggles  

Music – Walker, R. (n.d.). Poco. Music vine: Music licensing for video production and film. https://musicvine.com/track/roo-walker/poc

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Podcast Reflection.


What questions did i use?
Some questions i needed to ask were- Thulium periodic table, is Thulium toxic, Thulium appearance, Who discovered Thulium and what is Thulium used for.

I used google to search up all my questions.

I went to different websites to verify all the information i had even though some websites had different wordings they still had somewhat of the same concept, so i just put together what i read into my own words to not take away from one website.

The process of this project was pretty simple to look into a specific question and compare it to other sites to make sure the information was reliable and that one website wasnt tripping me. What i couldve done better was trying to find better photos but i couldnt find as many photos.

Math unit 1

For my first unit i wanted to share my knowledge on fractions with my step by step math tutorial.
Since i am late with this assignment i will be breaking down multiplying and dividing fractions with  and i dont have my phone to take a photo of my math, so i have to do allll my math on here so bear with me it will look bad 😭. First i will say the steps then i will show an example and for a referance in this will be that the first number before the / is the top number/the numerator and the second number after the / is the bottom number/the denominator

First: Multiplying fractions, the step by step math tutorial.
example question :  14/8 x 4/7

1. you get your fraction

2. for an easier time you start with cross multiplication. Cross multiplication is where you go diagonally and dividing the number by however many it is divisible by. For example 14 is across from 7 in the fraction and if you divide 7 by 14 you get 1 and 2. Then you cross multiply 8 by 4, which you do the same steps. 4 divided by 8 which is equal to 1 and 2

Currant fraction: 2/2 x 1/1 

3. You then multiply the numerators and the denominator which equal to 2 x 1 and 2 x 1

4. It then equals to 2/2 then you divide 2 by 2 which equal to 1


Second: Dividing fractions, the part 2 of the step by step tutorial. (since i dont know what a division sign is on here im just going to use * as the division sign)

Example Question: 3/14 * 9/7

1. you get the fraction

2. you flip the second fraction. As an example the second number in this is 9/7, and when you flip the fraction you switch the bottom number with the top number, so that is ends up as 7/9 and once you flip the fraction the division sign (*) turns into a multiplication sign (x)

Currant fraction: 3/14 x 7/9 

3. As you learned from the last step by step tutorial on multiplication you cross multiply the fraction and then you multiply it. Ill do the work for you as an example.

4. the same part as multiplication

1. 3/14 x 9/7

2. 1/2 x 3/1

3. 1 x 2 = 2 then 1 x 3 = 3

4. 2/3

The answerrr: 2/3 woo hooo

Thank you for letting you let me help you learn fractions. Sorry if this looks really confusing 😭