Consumable Waste Plan

About the foods I usually eat:

How much of these foods come in different types of packaging?

– I would think that half the food i eat comes out of packagings because when i come home from school, i feel to tired to make myself a proper meal so i usually eat out of packaged foods. My mom, if she wasn’t tired, would make me food not really in packaging.

What kind of packaging materials are usually used (styrofoam, cardboard, plastic, bags, boxes, etc.)?

– Cardboard boxes and plastic bags are the most used packaging materials. Stuff like crackers, cereal and mac and cheese, are all both cardboard and plastic bag packaging foods. The only foods i know that might come out of styrofoam is instant noodles in a up but its rare because instant noodles mostly come out of plastic cup.

Why do you think that all of these materials were chosen specifically for the products purchased?

– I think that the cardboard box is to premote the foods with its pretty colors or flashy appearance. It’s also to have the serving size and the nutrition label on the box. The plastic bag inside the box is to preserve the food that’s inside better rather then just putting the food straight into the cardboard box.

How is packaging both positive and negative for the consumer (the person using it)?

– The packaging is positive in a way that there will be less of a mess for the consumer. The negatives is that the person has to spend more time dividing the packaging from the boxes to the plastic bags to the regular garbage and some people are just super lazy and wont do it.

What happens to these packaging materials once we have eaten the food inside?

– If you seperate the packagings to their own bins then they get recycled or reused. If the are put into the garbage bin however, then they are either put into landfills to rot or incinerators to burn and pollute the air.

Where is the packaging waste after one day? One year? One hundred years?

– Depending on the what kind of packaging everything is different. The most common packaging is plastic bags so i’ll use that. After one day the plastic bag will be compacted within other pieces of garbage. After one year the bag will still be sitting in the landfill very crushed by other pieces of other garbage. After one hundred years there will be very very small micro plastics that will seep into the ground underneath the landfill and the water way underneath. It would take more than 300-1000 years for a single plastic bag to fully decompose.

What happens to the food waste?

– It depends on which bin the food waste goes into. If the food waste goes into the garbage bin then it will just go into landfills and just pile up. For food to decompose, the food needs oxygen and when the garbage piles up the food might keep getting pushed down, where there is no oxygen and the food just rots in landfills, not decomposing until maybe years later. When food waste is put into the compost bin then it would be moved into proper compost bins with other food waste, dirt, and worms. The worms break down the food turning it into manure, then farmers can put the manure into their soil and it helps grow the crops.

How is food waste addressed in your house? What is one area you could personally improve in, regarding food waste?

– In my apartment there are multiple containers to seperate the waste where we put out garbage. Theres multiple bins for where we can put different cardboard boxes, theres one bin for glass, theres multiple bins for different types of plastic, theres 2 compost bins and one big trash bin. We regularly seperate our waste like this, but one area we could improve in is actually knowing which box belongs where. I cant tell the difference to i have to ask my mom and the bins need proper lableing because i sometimes put the wrong waste in the wrong bin.

Provide 3-4 suggestions for ways that consumers can decrease the amount of waste (both food and otherwise) we create.

1.Try to reduce the amount of food you eat out of packagings.

2. Learn how to use the recycling and compost bins

3. Learn how to make proper meals that are made out of fresh ingrediants instead of just eating microwavable food


What questions did i use?
Some questions i needed to ask were- Thulium periodic table, is Thulium toxic, Thulium appearance, Who discovered Thulium and what is Thulium used for.

I used google to search up all my questions.

I went to different websites to verify all the information i had even though some websites had different wordings they still had somewhat of the same concept, so i just put together what i read into my own words to not take away from one website.

The process of this project was pretty simple to look into a specific question and compare it to other sites to make sure the information was reliable and that one website wasnt tripping me. What i couldve done better was trying to find better photos but i couldnt find as many photos.

Math unit 1

For my first unit i wanted to share my knowledge on fractions with my step by step math tutorial.
Since i am late with this assignment i will be breaking down multiplying and dividing fractions with  and i dont have my phone to take a photo of my math, so i have to do allll my math on here so bear with me it will look bad 😭. First i will say the steps then i will show an example and for a referance in this will be that the first number before the / is the top number/the numerator and the second number after the / is the bottom number/the denominator

First: Multiplying fractions, the step by step math tutorial.
example question :  14/8 x 4/7

1. you get your fraction

2. for an easier time you start with cross multiplication. Cross multiplication is where you go diagonally and dividing the number by however many it is divisible by. For example 14 is across from 7 in the fraction and if you divide 7 by 14 you get 1 and 2. Then you cross multiply 8 by 4, which you do the same steps. 4 divided by 8 which is equal to 1 and 2

Currant fraction: 2/2 x 1/1 

3. You then multiply the numerators and the denominator which equal to 2 x 1 and 2 x 1

4. It then equals to 2/2 then you divide 2 by 2 which equal to 1


Second: Dividing fractions, the part 2 of the step by step tutorial. (since i dont know what a division sign is on here im just going to use * as the division sign)

Example Question: 3/14 * 9/7

1. you get the fraction

2. you flip the second fraction. As an example the second number in this is 9/7, and when you flip the fraction you switch the bottom number with the top number, so that is ends up as 7/9 and once you flip the fraction the division sign (*) turns into a multiplication sign (x)

Currant fraction: 3/14 x 7/9 

3. As you learned from the last step by step tutorial on multiplication you cross multiply the fraction and then you multiply it. Ill do the work for you as an example.

4. the same part as multiplication

1. 3/14 x 9/7

2. 1/2 x 3/1

3. 1 x 2 = 2 then 1 x 3 = 3

4. 2/3

The answerrr: 2/3 woo hooo

Thank you for letting you let me help you learn fractions. Sorry if this looks really confusing 😭



Digital footprint

How might your digital footprint impact your high school experience?

What is a digital footprint and why does it matter? | Allstate Identity Protection

Credits: Allstate Identity Protection

A digital footprint is basically everything you have done on social media or on the internet. A negative digital footprint consists of posting bad things about other people on social media platforms ( instagram, tik tok, twitter) or hating on them, posting racist stuff on social media and commenting on other peoples posts and hating on them or saying bad stuff . A negative digital footprint can also include reposting bad tik toks or retweeting bad twitter posts. A high school experience could be ruined by your negative digital footprint because people could make fun of you from the stuff you post around the internet or call you names. If you post negatively about other people on your public account people could call you a gossiper and make fun of you instead of making fun of the other person you were talking negatively about.

How can your phone have a positive and negative impact on your learning?

Leaving a digital footprint

Credits: Digital Citizenship

A phone has both negatives and positives with your learning, but will it have a more negative impact on your learning or a positive impact? Lets start with the positives. The main positives of having your phone with learning is having office 365 on your phone (teams, powerpoint, word, outlook, onedrive, onenote) and having easy access to all your assignments. Google and a calculator is also another positive because you can easily access new information and you don’t have to worry about loosing a calculator when you have it on your phone. But there are negatives with all this. First your phone is an easy distraction with social media and texting. When your on social media you sometimes forget about work and then you’ll have to either do it at home or it might become overdue. The same thing goes for games. Theres also the distraction of texting.

What elements of school culture are necessary for you to be successful both academically and socially

Op-Ed: Ford and boards cut education workers, destabilizing schools -

credits: TbNewsWatch

There are two elements of school culture that seem the most necessary. The first is having a clear schedule lining. Sometimes students get confused on what times lunch ends and they come into school late and they get marked absent, and sometimes you might go into the wrong class example steam it could be a Wednesday and you go into steam to realize its not steam day 😭😭. The other element that could be necessary would be all the clubs. I don’t really know how to explain it but joining clubs could make you become more successful for being more social