HCE 9 – English write

The word document

In this photo you can tell that most of the kids have gone through forces assimilation. You can also tell through the colors in this photo, as the kids wearing grey have gone through forced assimilation and have gone through the residential schools and have been stirpped of their culture, while the kids wearing color represent that they did not go through the residential schools and have not been stripped of their culture. The kids wearing color also indicate that they are happier and the kids wearing grey show that they are not happy and they don’t like what’s happening to them. The lighting in this photo goes from grey scale to one that’s mostly grey and then to one where theres full color. I think that the side that’s full grey has been fully stripped of their culture and that they don’t know their language anymore. The middle part of the photo shows that the kids are slowly losing their culture and that they might just barely remember their language. The last side that shows all the kids with full color show that they know their culture and that they know their language. Through this image you can see what Residential schools did to indigenous kids who posed no harm to anyone. This image shows the sad and cruel reality of what happened to the kids that went through residential schools. The artist is trying to show what the residential schools did to the kids throughout the years and the impact is had.

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