Currents from the kitchen

Abby Vianzon                                                       June 18th 2021

Currents from the kitchen

Purpose-Which fruit will produce the most electric voltage?

Hypothesis-The apple will give more voltage when the wires are connected.

Materials-1 voltmeter, 2 wires to connect to the fruits; 1 nail  1 copper strip and at least 3 fruits.

Procedure-Before starting the lab, post your pre lab onto your edublog. Grab your materials needed, get your voltmeter and connect the wires to the voltmeter that will attach to the fruits  and place the copper strip into the fruits/veggies. Once that is done record your results that happened in the lab and gather the information your learned from this experiment. 

Observations-When we were pushing into the fruit we noticed the volt charge got higher.

If adding two different fruits then attaching them to two different wires, no volt charge will occur. 


Apple- 4.5 voltage 

Plum-6 voltage 

Lemon-3 voltage 

Conclusion-My hypothesis was wrong, the apple did NOT give the most voltage charge; the plum did. 


1-What causes the electrons to flow through this experiment?

When inserting the galvanized nail into the apple, the nail is exposing the electrons; this causes loosing electrons. The positive ions gather through the copper strip which makes the apple or any fruit give voltage charge.


2-What are the independent, dependent, and controlled variables in this experiment?

Independent- fruits/vegetables 

Dependent: Electric Voltage 

Controlled: The amount of voltmeters we used in this experiment.


3-How can we modify this experiment to improve our results?

If we are not happy with our results, we can change some things in our experiment; doing our research and seeing how much citric acid is in each fruit. This could change the amount of voltage charge given by each fruit or vegetable.


What can be our sources of error or uncertainty during our experiment?

Not having the right amount of materials needed for the experiment could result an issue. We need a copper strip because this produces more positivity and this is needed because we wanna have a higher amount of voltage as possible.


How can we use this in our everyday life?

Practice makes perfect for this experiment, if wanting to use this for our everyday life we need to learn two things; 1 we need to know how does electricity form in the first place? 2 we need the right source of information to learn and to gather information from, a reliable source per say. BUT using this in our everyday would be extremely difficult because to power a laptop a phone or a tablet that  would require  ALOT of voltage charge in order for it to power a device.



Fictional Science Safety Story.

Abby Vianzon.                                                           June 2nd. 2021

Science Safety Fictional Story

Science was Amandas favourite subject in school, when she arrived she was skipping down to her desk as the sound of her steps travelled throughout the classroom; excuse me Amanda you are late attendance was already taken Mr.Jackson spoke out loud; oh I’m sorry the buss came late Amanda replied. Mr.Jackson sighed and said it’s okay Amanda I understand, we haven’t started yet so ill cut you some slack he replied. Amanda couldn’t wait to get out of her seat and start on her lab, okay class the materials needed for this lab are a round bottomed flask which is used to heat any liquid held in the flask, your 2nd material is a microscope which is used to see things in detail up close; a timer to time your results and lastly goggles for protection of the eyes. The students stood up from their seats and grabbed their materials, I’m so excited Amanda uttered; she grabbed the materials and placed them on her desk. As she dropped the green slimy chemicals into the flask she heard bubbling in the flask, wow thats so cool she thought as she stared into the flask the green chemicals entered her eyes as it splatted on her desk and her clothes. She started screaming and told the teacher, Mr. Jackson she yelled I got something in my eye and it stings she told. Mr.Jackson led her to the eye wash station and Amanda begun to cleaned out her eyes for about 15 minutes at most, Amanda are you alright Mr.Jackson asked. I think so she replied, she left the eye wash station and sat on her seat and had stains on her clothes; class ended and she grabbed her backpack and begun to walk back home. The next morning science class was in session, she heard the teachers voice saying well hello students, she sped through the class and into her desk, she begun to sit at her desk and grabbed her books and pens; today as grade 9 students we are going to do another lab and this time we are determining how fast a candle can blow out from a beaker Mr. Jackson noted to the class. The materials needed are A timer to keep track of results during the lab, A beaker which is used to put on top of the candle while experimenting; and of course safety eye wear- goggles. The class gathered around and grabbed materials for their lab group, okay Liza can you time our results Amanda asked; yeah sure  Liza replied. Amanda went to grab the candle and lighted a flame, she walked along the trail where her group was leading to hoping she wouldn’t drop it; she placed the candle onto a flat surface and tied her hair up, wore appropriate clothing and followed the safety precautions.  I learned my lesson from now on Amanda noted, everyone in science 9 was doing a great job on their labs while Mr.Jackson was trailing along the class room; after class school ended and the bell begun to ring. Hey class before everyone leaves I wanted to say how everyone was being so mature during this lab and I thank you all for being a wonderful class! He led them to the door as the students were ending for the weekend! Amanda sure left with a horrible consequence!

This symbol represents fire danger; warning that the chemical can be flammable and cause fire.

This symbol represents poison, if the chemical is inhaled in the body i can cause serious health issues and the person gets poisoned or even death if consumed.

My Ethical Dillema: Testing on Animals should be a crime and shouldn’t be happening! The chemicals that are entering the animals body are toxic and could kill so many species, But it comes where there’s no right or wrong answer to everything. Animal testing can also be okay as well, for example vaccines and medication; without animal testing in the mix there wouldn’t be any modern day medicine to be provided for us. But of course the bad effects include, animal abuse by inducing toxins into their body’s just to test makeup products or anything for that matter; the covid vaccine I believe did not include animal testing and as only tested on professionals such as doctors; pharmacists and of course public health officers. Without testing the product it cant be released into the public without knowing if the product is safe to insert into the body. I guess all I’m trying to point out is, if your going to test on animals please only test LITTLE AMOUNTS and be mindful of their reactions during the process; animals are creatures that have impacts on our planet, and its important we take care of the animals surrounding nature.

Climate Invention In Minecraft.

Abby Vianzon.                                                           May 31st 2021

Minecraft Solution Fluency

My plan: Ocean pollution is very serious because it can effect humans and animals and can cause a huge defect in our environment; I wanted to create something that could impact our planet. Another way to prevent ocean pollution is to use bikes or public transportation which takes up about 25% of green house gases which if you think about that is a highly low amount of gas being spread.

Design: I found a lot of things about ocean pollution during this assignment, I wanted to create something that could benefit our environment and make our oceans cleaner for humans and animals.

Deliver: Edublog

Unfortunately I had some trouble uploading the video to flipgrid, edublog is where my whole project is layed out.

Debrief:                                                                                                           Throughout this project I had a few issues that came my way, for one I had trouble posting video because of the time limit; and 2 I kept messing up during the filming and finally got one that I could live with. I had an idea of putting boarders around the oceans but I decided not to go that route; During this project I decided the underground filter bus was the best route to go on.

Facts about this ongoing issue: Acccording to my research the top most affected oceans suffering pollution is the Mediterranean ocean,  Indian Ocean and the pacific.

Animal extinction can happen during pollution which is why ocean and general pollution are very serious: other sever side effects are cancer, infections and miscarriage. Now as much as these situations are extremely serious there are ways to help out and prevent this from being severely harmful and dangerous. Reduce littering and practice proper garbage/ recycling/ sorting and properly sorting food scarps into a food waist bucket to decrease the chances of pollution.


Do your part and help out in any way you can.

The government should be more cautious about plastics and garbage surrounding the ocean.

Being more educated and seeing how this affects our environment and including our planet as well.

I forgot to mention that chlorine is a very strong chemical and can kill bad toxins that are harming our oceans with such dangerous bacteria. There’s many good chemicals that can do the job and make sure that no bacteria is being released.

Sources I used:

Any feedback or suggestions would be appreciated:)

Climate in Canada

Abby Vianzon.                                            May 18th,2021

Climate in Canada!

The Carbon Cycle: Carbon comes from the dead organisms such as dead animals or plants, as the water uptakes the carbon the carbon is also released from animal respiration including plant respiration as well.

Where Does The Carbon Build Up In The Prairies? carbon usually builds up from plants and soils in the prairies and also can be caused by the the animals breathing and the plants releasing carbon but if you think about it carbon is mostly built up around the atmosphere since that Carbon travels along a lot of things like oceans and from animals and the plants releasing organisms from the roots.

What Are The Causes And Effects Of Climate Change In The  Prairies? Prairies are known for being a hotspot of climate change; rapid waves of  dry and wet conditions tend to occur in this area. Temperature can be the cause of climate change and can change the weather and climate.. When people take the buss and cars the gases that come out of the engine can cause climate change.  Summer storms can increase climate change as well, grasslands can be impacted too. Animals can be impacted by climate change as well because the lack of resources tend to happen when climate is happening, climate change can also cause extinction of animals and can cause damage to plants. Animals would most likely migrate to a new environment where its more safer and has the resources they need such as water food and dry grass such as cows can munch on! Farms can also be impacted too by the lack of food production.

Sources I used

Modelling Meiosis in Minecraft

Abby Vianzon.                                                                May 10th 2021

1. Prophase 1

First stage meiosis is when the chromosomes cross over and start the cycle of meiosis, this part is exchanging for genetic material to match with the DNA.

2. Metaphase 1.

The chromosomes line up at the middle of the cell, also known as the equator.

3.  Anaphase 1.

The spindle fibres pull alway the chromosomes from each end of the cell.

4. Telophase 1

Each pair of the chromosomes go at each pole in the cell and now leaving it as one cell.

5. Interkinesis

The cell grows protein in order to form properly and give the chromosomes more protein.

6. Prophase 2

The chromosomes are in each part of the cell and start the 2nd part of meiosis.

7.  Metaphase 2

the chromosomes form in a line in the middle of the cell.

8. Anaphase 2.

the x shaped chromosomes line up at the middle of the cell.

the sister chromotaids move to opposite poles of the cell, this part is getting close to the end of the cycle.

9. Telophase 2.

The spindle fibres begin to disappear, a nuclear membrane begins to form around the chromosomes and now form as 2 cells.

10. Cytokinesis

The daughter cells complete the cycle by separating into individual cells, the DNA has copied the chromosomes into the genetic copy, the DNA is well known for copying itself into more copy’s.




Modeling Mitosis

Abby Vianzon.                                                     April. 27th, 2021


The first phase is when the cell is just forming and hasn’t had chromosomes yet, but in the middle is the DNA forming. But nothing has really happend during the first stage because the DNA is still forming copies of the chromosomes.



During this phase, the chromosomes start to show; they coil up into an x shape, regarding to this the spindle fibres start to from from each end of the cell. The spindle fibres is a type of protein that travels along the cell gives protein for the cell to develop.

Late Prophase  


Late prophase is when the the nuclear membrane disappears and the chromosomes start to attach themselves to the spindle fibres, the DNA in the cell has copied the chromosomes.



Metaphase is when the X chromosomes form in the middle of the cell, this is where the spindle fibres come in play; the chromosomes form in the middle into a straight line as the spindle fibres pulls into to them.


Anaphase is the 2nd to last stage in the cell cycle, once the spindle fibres pull the centromere apart this allows the chromatid to pull away from the middle of the cell and forming to the ends of the cell.


The last phase of the cell cycle, Telophase is where the chromosomes are now at the end of the cell.. The spindle fibres are now gone and are not taking part in the cell cycle. The nuclear membrane forms around the chromosomes and leaving the cell fully develop!

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