math11 week8


the thing that I learned this week are: analyzing quadratic functions of the form y=a(x-p)^2+p and equivalent forms of the equation of a quadratic function.

The effect of changing q in y = x^2+q

The graph of y=x^2+q is the image of the graph of =x^2 after a vertical translation of q units. when q is positive sigh the graph moves up, when the q is negative sigh the graph moves down.

The effect of changing p in y=(x-p)^2′

The graph of y=(x-p)2 is the image of the graph of y=x2 after a horizontal translation of p units.  when p is negative sigh the graph moves right when p is positive sigh the graph moves left.

The effect of changing a in y=ax^2

the a greater then 1, the graph is stretched vertically.   the  a between 0 n 1 the graph is compressed vertically.  a less then -1 the graph  is stretched vertically and reflected in the x-axis.    a between -1 and 0 the graph is compressed vertically and reflected in the x-axis.

Axis of symmetry: x=p


congruent to y = ax^2

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