
The thing that I learn this week are Infinite Geometric Series, Absolute Value of a Real Number

Absolute Value is the principal square roof of the square of the number.

Every real number can be represented as a point on a number line.

The sigh of the number indicates its position relative to 0 .

The magnitude of the number indicates its distance from 0 .

On the number line below, each of the numbers -2 and 2 is located 2 units from 0. So, each number has an absolute value of 2 .  This is written as:|-2|=2 and |2|=2

|6|=√(6)^2    |-6|=√(-6)^2the distance from 0 is 6. 6^2=36  √36=6 so |6|=√(6)^2  |-6|=√(-6)^2

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