Math Data Analysis Thoughts

  1. explain what role you think statistics have in our society.

Nowdays, statics are more and more important to the society: they can tell how‘s the traffic and how many cars on a road, so it can make the best decision to the people who are going out; they can tell what consumers like based on the data in a market so the company can make more about it, which means the consumer can have more choice on the thing they like; from president selection to the everything you buy, statics are so important to our life today. It gave us a way to look at big datas and it’s a more accurate way to interpret the world.


2)   Explain anything new that you have learned about the importance of statistics in our society.

Statics gave us a way to look at the main thought of people and a way to understand big datas, it’s a way to know most people’s opinion, and it’s important because it’s associated with our daily lives, and the result gave by the statics are becoming a guide to make decisions in the reality. It’s a different perspective to look at the world and it’s more accurate under the compare of your own thinking and understanding.


3)   Describe the different types of problems with statistics

– percentage or the real data

some of the data are being described real but seems so much larger than it actually is. Like the example in the article: the price of candy just increased in 78% but actually it just increased $0.4. So it always misleading people. Some company are using this to make it look like it’s a huge amount but it’s not. Like when there’s a huge number of one thing in a group, giving the actual number seems bigger; but in a small amount of one thing in a rather smaller amount of group with similar ratio, using the percentage seems more effective and shocking.


– wrong/too small amount of sample

When you’re taking a survey of a huge amount of people but asking a small group of people, the result maybe not the same, the more people you take, the more accurate the number. And it based on the kind of sample you took. Some specific people maybe have some strong and unfair opinion about one of the answer of the question, and that makes the data unreal and it’s not representative for the people in the whole society.


– unfair poll questions that leads people to the specific answer

Some questions are misleading to the answers because the answer should only be that if you are normal. The question directly effects that the thinking of the people taking the poll, so the thinking of the people could be easily changed by the question and the data is not representative, which is not that useful in statics. The poll questions should be neutral and really talk about the conflict and the stand in the question.

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