Jiujitsu and Physics


Torque is crucial in Brazilian Jiujitsu, for the sport wisely takes the advantage of the concepts of fulcrum, lever and the force of gravity. It takes the advantage of the gravitational force to wisely gain power and defend oneself from the position of the ground, which was normally considered a weak position.

Torque: a measure of the force that can cause an object to rotate about an axis. (arms, legs, etc.)

Force: a force is any interaction that, when unopposed, will change the motion of an object. (muscle force)

Fulcrum: the point on which a lever rests or is supported and on which it pivots. (joint, knees)

Analysis of the force and mechanism of torque


Straight ankle lock


Why does Jiu Jitsu follow this progression?

  1. Get your opponent to the ground
  2. Get past your opponent’s legs (or attack their legs)
  3. Control their hips and shoulders (or their legs)
  4. Add a submission

Because the purpose of Jiujitsu is to gain the control of another person’s move. By following this progression, one gaining control of another is the easiest. It controls the force of gravity to the ground as the first step; and then control their legs, which is considered as lever, and effectively controls the opponent’s movement; third step controls the fulcrum of moving on the opponent’s body to control movement maximally; lastly add the force of gravity of one’s own to make sure the opponent can’t move.

It is a very effective way of controlling a person’s movement.


Why does Brazilian Jiu Jitsu want control?

Because the essence of jiujitsu is to not be controlled by the opponent and dominate the opponent to one’s best at the same time. So gaining control is always wanted in jiujitsu, moreover it protects oneself the best by controlling your opponent.

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