Garibaldi Lake Task

  • Explain how you can estimate the volume of the lake and its surface area.

Volume = Surface Area*Depth

For the surface area of the lake, the easiest way of estimating it is to collect all the water on the top of the lake with 1m, and estimate the volume of the water that is collected. But maybe there are other high technology ways like taking a picture of the lake above it in a specific height and using measuring scale to calculate it out.

And I also realized the depth is complicated because it’s not “prism-like”, since it’s bottom is not a surface but like a hole. I’m inspired by the picture on the right  that if we’re able to separate the lake into 2 layers that the first layer is about 60m to 90m, so then be 75m would be the best; and the second layer is the deeper layer that we’re able to consider it as 180m as depth. (I drew a circle to separate the 2 layers to be more clear to see.) But since we have no way to figure out the surface area of the small circle, we’re unable to use this calculation.


But from Wikipedia I got the surface area of the lake which is 9.94 km² (2460 acres), while the average depth of the surface area is 119 m (390 ft). (I’m kind of curious how they find out the average depth of it. )

justification for the calculation on the left


V= SA* Depth

=9.94x10^{6} x 119m

= 1.18286 x 10^{9} m^{3}



  • How much water does the Barrier contain behind it in the lake?

To convert m^{3} into liter is 1m^{3}= 10^{3} liter

1.18286 x 10^{9} m^{3}=1.18286 x 10^{12} liter

  • If the Barrier faulted, what do you think would happen? Consider; how much water would escape, and what kind of power is the escaping water equivalent to?

Basically after seeing the satellite map of the lake, I saw there’s falling rock barriers on the left of the lake, i would consider if it faulted, the whole left part would collapse and the lake would be flooding down the water and rush onto the Sea-to-Sky Hwy. On the another hand, maybe the low places on the right part of the lake would be affected by the collapse too and some of the water may rush into the glaciers in Fraser Valley.

One thought on “Garibaldi Lake Task

  1. Could you estimate the area of the small circle, say comparing it’s size to the overall surface area?

    I would think to find the average depth, they take a bunch of calculations throughout the lake, then average them out.

    In Latex I don’t think you need your {} for your exponents, since it’s just a single exponent.

    Great use of images to support your calculations.

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