Math 9: Creating a Budget

1. Three things that would be classified as fixed expenses:

  • Phone bill
  • Internet/cable bill
  • Car insurance

2.  Three things that would be classified as variable expenses:

  • Food expenses
  • Accidents/damages
  • Entertainment

3. How could you change your spending to save money?

Set monthly limits on money spent for dining out and entertainment like movies.

4. How much money could you save in one month without giving up too much?

I could save about $120 monthly with ease, by not eating any fast food (Saves about $30, once a week).

Collaboration Fluency

Execute: Our group decided to have each member choose a biome, that other members will add media to (add videos, text, etc.) Here is the biome I chose for our group to research:



Overall, I think our project was organized and executed well, all group members did their parts and integrated media into the presentations cleanly. Most of the biomes had an abundance of resources for information, but some sites gave different information, which was slightly confusing. Although I think out group did a good job of inserting video and picture media, I think it would’ve been more seamless for the members to communicate more, and tell each other where certain videos/pictures should go.