Community Connection Alternate

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Adopt-a-SPOT is a volunteer service where you can help keep your community safe and clean. Your job as a volunteer is to choose an area that you take care of which could be just yourself or with another. This is a great way to support our community because there’s a lot of vandalism and littering that happens all over Port Coquitlam and with our help we can reduce that by taking upon this job.

This volunteer service will make a difference for our future because we want future generations to live in a clean place.

I’m interested in this volunteer service because its a great contribution to our community.

Safeway Clerk

This is a good starting job because it will give you customer service experience and you don’t need any previous work experience to take this job. Working as a clerk could improve your social skills, focus abilities and teamwork while not being too much of a difficult job to take.

Working as a clerk at Safeway is a job that’s open to high school students and has flexible work times which is why I would probably take this job and along with all the other reasons I’ve listed.

The preparations that I would probably have to take for this job is just to stay focused and listen well because there’s not too much that I would need to know.







One thought on “Community Connection Alternate

  1. Thank you for submitting the alternate assignment for Community Connection which is connected to COL. We have reviewed your Edublog post, and have the following observations regarding your work:

    – More details could have been included from researching volunteer and work opportunities
    – Your response shows some insightful reflection on the opportunities you researched
    – The inclusion of more media could have been incorporated to strengthen this post

    Thank you,

    Mr. Barazzuol and Mr. Robinson
    COL Teachers

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