My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Category Math 10

Letter Graph

Relations and Functions mind map

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week 10 – math 10

This week in math we learned how to factor ugly polynomials.  we used a flow chart to determine if the were the certain characteristics of ugly and non ugly polynomials. The flowchart goes like this: GCF(WLO)difference of squares (binomial) Trinomial… Continue Reading →

patterns in polynomials

There are some different ways where there is an easier way to find the product of two binomials rather that multiplying them using distribution. One of the ways to do it quicker is when there is a binomial with a… Continue Reading →

week 8 – math 10

This week we started the polynomials unit.  It is basically review of grade 9, which is good because i forgot a lot of the vocabulary and how to do the equations and solve them. we started with the algebra tiles… Continue Reading →

week 7 – math 10

This week we did bearings, I did not understand how to work smarter on one of the questions in the work book so i worked harder.  When Mrs. Burton showed us the website that shows how the bearings work.… Continue Reading →

week 6 – math 10

This week we started to learn the basics of trigonometry.  I had a hard time figuring out how to do the questions, but using SOH CAH TOA really helps me out.  i still had a hard time figuring out which… Continue Reading →

Week 5 – math 10

In week 5 we learned how to do the surface area and volume of spheres, we also learned how to find the radius when given the SA or volume. I didn’t know how to perform this task before, but after… Continue Reading →

Weekend Bonus Project

Angle of elevation: 54° Adjacent side length: 42.5 ft My height: 5.5 ft The tree height is 34.137 feet


Using the SOH CAH TOA methods we can solve these triangles.  For the first triangle we can see that the variable is in the top angle and we are given the hypotenuse side length(14) and the adjacent side length(3.5). Using… Continue Reading →

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