My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio

Month June 2016

BC Then and Now Project I worked with Jaiden Sclater.

Map of the ethnic groups in BC I worked with Jaiden S.

Historical places in Vancouver

Kingsway:  follows the original false creek aboriginal trail main road from false creek to new westminster. Gastown: a man named gassy jack made a salloon near the hastings mill for the workers since they could not dink.  That area was… Continue Reading →

Gold Rush Effect on Development of British Columbia

Why were the Douglas treaties signed?

The Douglas treaties were signed because Canadians wanted to settle on Vancouver Island.  The treaties were signed by the aboriginals because the aboriginals were tricked into giving up there land.  The aboriginals were  tricked into signing the treaties because they… Continue Reading →

Oregon treaty fairness

I agree that the Oregon treaties were unfair for the aboriginals because “…there was no division of the ‘Oregon triangle’ [the disputed lands in Washington state], all of which went to the United States…”.  The compromise wasn’t really a compromise… Continue Reading →

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