Question 1:
This question relates to the treaty right that every first nation gets money every year.  80% of the people that took the survey said that they would not want that in that situation and 20% said they would.

Question 2:
This question relates to the treaty right that every first nation gets a piece of land if they give up there own.  60%  of the people that took the survey said that they would not want that in that situation and 40% said the would

Question 3:
This question relates to the treaty right that  the first nations get farming tools if you give up the land they own. 60%  of the people that took the survey said that they would want that in that situation and 40% said the would not

Question 4:
This question relates to the treaty right that the first nations are not allowed to possess any alcohol on the reserve if they want to live there.  80% of the people that took the survey said that they would not want that in that situation and 20% said they would.

Question 5:
This question relates to the treaty right that  the first nations get a school on the reserve lands if they give up there land.  100% of the people that took the survey said that they would not want that in that situation