Category Archives: Grade 9


My Personal Health and wellness 


Unit 1 lesson 1 

Things that are stressful for me: 

  1. School 
  1. Soccer 


School is easily one of the biggest stresses and the most common thing to be stressed about. 2 out of 3 people are stressed from school and personally I am one of those people. Some ways schools can be stressful to me is going to school when C-19 is around. Its forces everyone to go to school at different times and there are 2-hour classes. This makes it so 2 days’ worth of work and learning is just thrown into your brain making it even harder to catch on to the subject and even harder to pay attention. Another way this can make school extremely stressful is the number of tests you get now. Before you would get 2 weeks before the unit test now there is one every Friday. This can obviously make school stressful due to the inconvenience of the time span of the class 


Sports can be stressful for everyone but specifically soccer for me. One of the biggest examples can be a soccer game. A soccer game can stress you out in many ways but here is the ones that constantly stress me out; Score, Mistakes, and teammates. All of these have big impacts on me while playing soccer. Another thing is soccer with school. Some nights I have soccer the day of and the next day I have a test so I only have a little time to study and when your rushed for studying you forget about everything  most of the time, but this happens to me a lot. 


Unit 1 lesson 2 

How do I use my tech? How often do I use it and how it can affect my social physical and emotional heath? 

I use my tech in many different ways and some of them are video games, social media, entertainment, and for school.  And I use my phone quite often, and my phone analytics say I average 3-4 hours a day, and most of that time consists of social media and entertainment, but my laptop is used for school most of the time and an estimate would be about 2-3 hours a day. This can affect my social health by an addiction, you can easily get glued to your phone all day and not go outside or even make physical interactions. For physical health being on your device for too long can cause eye strain and headaches. And for emotional it has the potential to give you anxiety and depression  




Unit 1 lesson 3 

How can I improve my communication skills to improve my daily life? 

One way of improving your daily skills is really listening and that can be in school at home or out in the public. This can improve your daily life by for example you  are at school and the teacher is giving a lesson about something that’s going to be on your test in a couple of days, if you were to listen to that lesson when you go home to study and you review what you did and everything will click into your head making it even easier to remember what you went over and giving you a higher chance of doing good on your test. One tip is to put away all distraction and distancing your self from the social interactions that your having in the moment and waiting to continue them later. 


Unit 1 lesson 4 

What does it mean to be in an unhealthy relationship? 

You can have an unhealthy relationship with family, friends, significant others, your boss, your co-workers, the list goes onAn unhealthy relationship is a relationship where someone of someone or some people are involved in extreme behaviors that are not healthy and are not founded in mutual respect for the other person. An unhealthy relationship is not necessarily an abusive relationship, but it can be in some cases. An unhealthy relationship can also be a group of people who pretend to be your friends but constantly make fun of you and talk about you behind your back  

Unit 1 lesson 5 

What can I do to relieve my anger? 

Some ways that you can relieve you anger is using a stress ball, Squeezing it really hard can release anger and make you feel a bit better. Some more ways could be a punching bag, this is very common in the boxing and martial arts community. Everyone has different angersome more than others reliving them is different for everyone. For some people it could be as simple as taking a breath but for others it could be as extreme of breaking something 

Are you posting something true? 

  1. Is it helpful? 
  1. Is it inspiring?  
  1. Is it necessary  
  1. Is it kind ? 
  1. Is it true? 

How can I develop my strengths and weaknesses in my communication, mental health, and organization? 


My strengths for mental health. Overall I am a very active person and I’m constantly playing sports or I’m outside doing something that requires physical activity making my mental health good. My weaknesses for mental health are social media and games, sometime social media and video games can make me want to stay inside to continue either continue browsing social media or continue playing the game. For communication my strengths are picking up important facts while in a conversation of when something is stated/mentioned to me for example if my mom is telling me a week in advance that I have practice next week I will remember that. For weaknesses is probably losing the attention I’m giving them or started to drift off from listening. For organization my strengths are being able to arrange everything I need to do into a schedule. My weaknesses are following the arranged schedule for example if I were to make a schedule where I were supposed to study on a Friday I would end up studying on a Sunday. 


Ways I can improve my weaknesses 

For mental health I can improve by setting up screen time on my phone this would force me to get off my phone or device. For communication what i should start practicing is really paying attention to the person who is saying something to me and block all distractions that don’t allow me to do that. For organization I could maybe get family or friends to say force me or remind me to stay on the schedule I had arranged for myself 






Element information fluency


Some question i had to search for this project were;

What is my elements color

Common uses for my element

Information about zirconium in the periodic table

Some digital tools i used for this assignment were; citation machine, power point, and google to find information

the process i used was a very common one which is going over each question and getting the most information about it, then i would structure it into sentences and paragraphs

one way i used to find in the information was valid was going to multiple verified websites and seeing if they had the same or similar information about the topic

This project was pretty easy as it was thoroughly  explained and had a lot of time to do it. where i could’ve done better was probably choosing a element, my element had some information but most of it i had to do aa lot of digging to find