Monologue Video- “young Ty goes on a deal”



The following video is a monologue of  Ty who is a character from the novel street farm . In this scene i describe a young Ty’s thoughts when he went on one of his dads many drug deals. 

As me and  Dad wakled into the room  i instantly smelt cat poowhen i looked up i saw this thin pale white lady it looked like she hadn’t eaten in months. As i saw her hand dad money for the drugs i knew what was going on. Adad had taken me on many of his deals before but when i saw a kid crawl out of a room and onto the couch i got excited “a friend!” someone that i could spend a little time with and have fun while dad makes his deals with this wackjob of a lady. But right as i was gonna aproach the little boy dad gripped my hand and we said our good byes and we leftSince dad has such an iron hard grip there’s no way i could’ve slipped out and gone to see the kid. I was upset about but i know dad was just there to do business so i shouldn’t think about it any longer.  

Self reflection:

The reason that chose Ty is because he is the main character in the story so i think he played the biggest role through out the entire novel. The reason that i chose this scene is because since Ty is so young when these events happen we would have been to young to express his thoughts and because of that this was the perfect scene to chose for a monologue as i could voice any thoughts that i think Ty would have had in this situation. How i made my character come to life is by changing the way i was talking during the monologue to make it a lot less boring then if talked the same way the entire time so by doing that i made character come to life. One of my biggest difficulties was centering his mouth so when he talked his lips would separate so it seemed real and as if he was really talking and not some robot.

HCE 9- English Write

This picture really shows that racism is still very present and how little respect most people have for people of color and see them as lower than them. As you can see in this short comic script the lady uses the threat of calling and using the fact that the man is black as she knows the police system has a long history of being racist and a lot of in justice towards people of color, and since she’s white and keeps playing the victim if the cops came it would make the man look like horrible person trying to disturb this random lady in a park. Also, this photo has a very powerful message as in the first box you can see in the background the souls of people who have died due to police brutality. This shows that this is a very real problem in today’s society and that this is not something of the past and that action should be taken to stop the police system from killing innocent people. I think that we should start respecting and accepting people instead of having these false reality’s and  stereotypes about people of color because maybe they could have a lot of things of value that can possibly help and then help others and make society a better place. If we learned to see people past their skin color, I think we can instill peace in society and we could all learn how to live together which would benefit the whole world. There is also a lot of people that grew and currently live with privilege so when they don’t get what they want they start to get mad make a scene just like this lady. And I think the camera angels show that the man is staying calm and walking away from situation because he knows if he does something about it the situation would escalate very quickly and that would do no good for him.  


Palladium Zachary Mowat

  1. It’s colour, sate at room temp, it’s melting point, it’s boiling point, what it’s used for , interesting characteristics, How found it, when it was found, who named it, how it was found, what it was used for before, my sources and all of it’s periodic information
  2. try to use more sources to add more information to my presentation
  3. first i found information and the  i validated that information and then i put it on my sway, and then i corrected my spelling and then i went a found more information and pictures to make more visually pleasing.
  4. I went to multiple sites and saw it if they all the same information to make sure i wasn’t putting false information on my presentation.
  5. I could have tried to find more videos to add instead of writing all of it and make it easier to understand.