Monologue Video- “young Ty goes on a deal”



The following video is a monologue of  Ty who is a character from the novel street farm . In this scene i describe a young Ty’s thoughts when he went on one of his dads many drug deals. 

As me and  Dad wakled into the room  i instantly smelt cat poowhen i looked up i saw this thin pale white lady it looked like she hadn’t eaten in months. As i saw her hand dad money for the drugs i knew what was going on. Adad had taken me on many of his deals before but when i saw a kid crawl out of a room and onto the couch i got excited “a friend!” someone that i could spend a little time with and have fun while dad makes his deals with this wackjob of a lady. But right as i was gonna aproach the little boy dad gripped my hand and we said our good byes and we leftSince dad has such an iron hard grip there’s no way i could’ve slipped out and gone to see the kid. I was upset about but i know dad was just there to do business so i shouldn’t think about it any longer.  

Self reflection:

The reason that chose Ty is because he is the main character in the story so i think he played the biggest role through out the entire novel. The reason that i chose this scene is because since Ty is so young when these events happen we would have been to young to express his thoughts and because of that this was the perfect scene to chose for a monologue as i could voice any thoughts that i think Ty would have had in this situation. How i made my character come to life is by changing the way i was talking during the monologue to make it a lot less boring then if talked the same way the entire time so by doing that i made character come to life. One of my biggest difficulties was centering his mouth so when he talked his lips would separate so it seemed real and as if he was really talking and not some robot.

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