Week 11-Precalc 11

In class of pre-calculus 11 this week we learned about graphing quadratic inequalities. I’ve simply concluded that using two steps to draw an inequality with two variables. Firstly, draw the parabola and the parabola’s function is to isolate the regions. Take y-5x^2>-3 for example, we should draw the parabola of y-5x^2=-3 to isolate the whole rectangular plane coordinate system. Secondly, shadow the area by finding a test point wherever and substitute into the inequality. If I using point(0,0), the inequality will become to 0-5(0)^2>-3. The inequality is correct it means that the area of point(0,0) exists should be shadowed.

Ex: Graph each quadratic inequalities.

(1) y\geq -2x^2+8


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