TOKTW 2019

For take your kid to work day i went to a barber shop with my dad.The business that i went to is called rami’s cut barber shop in downtown poco.A barber is a person who does hair cuts such as hair trimming, trimming beards, dying hair and many more other things. to be a barber you have to have good communications with people and also you have to be focused on your job because you can mess up the haircut you are doing easily. The training to be a barber usually takes up to a year to be come really good at the job. also you have completed a barbering program at a normal barber shop. when your program is finished then you have to go apply for a barber license to be able to cut hair. I like this job because you get to learn an amazing talent and you also you get to meet new people. in the next 5 years i think this job will change in a lot of different ways. but thing i think that will change the game is having robots cutting your hair.