core competences




How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the communication competency?


In what ways might you further develop your communication competency?



This class has helped me a lot with my mathematics skills and it also helped me grow and learn new skills and units that I did not know of last year. This class made me make new friends and made me talk to new people so they could help me if I am stuck on anything or I could help them if they needed my help from time to time. I am looking forward for next year to experience the same things that I experienced in math 10 but even better. I am looking forward to meeting new people and learning more mathematical skills that I could use in the future.




This class showed that math is not just fun and games it is a subject that is very important in the future and that I will be using it later in life. This class make work showed me that math is not as easy as you think, you need to work hard in this class and need to ask questions if you are stuck on something. It showed me that you can’t memorize math in your head or do equations in your head, you need to understand the formulas that you learn every day, and to practice for a test you need to write lots of notes so you can look back to what you did already




How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the thinking competencies?


In what ways might you further develop your thinking competencies?




How does the artifact you selected demonstrate strengths & growth in the personal & social competencies?


In what ways might you further develop your personal & social competencies?


Publish Your Self Assessment

You will now attach and/or embed your self-assessment to the bottom of the blog post with the artifact you have chosen. You may choose to make this post private or public. After placing your artifact on a blog post, follow the instructions below.

  1. Categories – Self-Assessment
  2. Tags – Now tag your post using the tag that corresponds to the competency that you have written about. You can choose more than one. Please use lower case letters and be exact.
    • #creativethinkingcc
    • #communicationcc
    • #criticalthinkingcc
    • #socialresponsibilitycc
    • #personalidentitycc
    • #personalawarenesscc
  3. Use the Add Document button located at the top of your post page and embed your self-assessment at the bottom of your blog post.
  4. Publish1

ugly polynomials

The definition of ugly polynomials is that it is a mathematical expression of one or more algebraic terms each which consists of a constant multiplied by one or more then one variable raised to a nonnegative integer power. it is the sum of several terms that contains different powers of the same variable.

foods i usually eat

The types of foods that i eat that comes packaged are bacon, chicken mortadella, different types of soups, cereal, milk, chocolate bars, and many more.  but those foods that i eat and drink come in different packages like  How much of these foods come in different types of packaging like plastic, cardboard, bags and boxes etc.  the most common packaging materials used are paper , paperboard, fiberboard and fiberboard are used in both primary and secondary packaging. also plastic can take a big part in packaging foods also aluminum packaging and glass/ jars could also be used commonly. There are a specific types of packaging for each type of food. some foods have a specific types of packaging. they have specific packaging because these foods are meant for that packaging and nothing else. Packaging food makes it safer and less vulnerable to contamination. Though the Food and Drug Administration has expressed concern about the safe use of recycled packaging, it is generally considered to be safe. the negative part about packaging is that they can be crushed, dented or torn during shipping or when handled in the store or sometimes plastic packaging   can be bad for the environment and sometimes it can’t be bad because when it is being properly collected and disposed. after you unpack foods from it package. the package itself gets recycled and gets to be reused for other things. when we use a food packaging we put in a recycle bin so it can be recycled and reused for other different things and after one year or many more years the same things happens to the packaging it gets used recycled and reused.   food waste is put into an anaerobic digested where micro-organisms break down food waste in the absence of oxygen. This process produces bio gas, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide which can then be used to produce heat, electricity or transport fuels. there are some ways we can decrease the amount of waste we create like. Choose reusable produce bags instead of plastic, . Shop the refrigerator before going to the store, move older food products to the front, keep your refrigerator at 40 degrees F or below, Freeze or can surplus fresh produce using safe, up-to-date food preservation methods, Check product dates on foods, Buy misshapen fruits and vegetables, Take restaurant leftovers home and refrigerate within two hours of being served.


TOKTW 2019

For take your kid to work day i went to a barber shop with my dad.The business that i went to is called rami’s cut barber shop in downtown poco.A barber is a person who does hair cuts such as hair trimming, trimming beards, dying hair and many more other things. to be a barber you have to have good communications with people and also you have to be focused on your job because you can mess up the haircut you are doing easily. The training to be a barber usually takes up to a year to be come really good at the job. also you have completed a barbering program at a normal barber shop. when your program is finished then you have to go apply for a barber license to be able to cut hair. I like this job because you get to learn an amazing talent and you also you get to meet new people. in the next 5 years i think this job will change in a lot of different ways. but thing i think that will change the game is having robots cutting your hair.




In this picture we found a cone shaped items in the hallway of the school.




In this picture, i took a picture of a percentage that i found on a piece of paper.



in this photo I was asked to take a picture  of numbers, then I found these numbers on my keyboard of my laptop.


I had to take a picture of any square shaped that I see around my.


In this photo I had to take a picture of six different objects that are put into on hole group.