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How sustainable are different kinds of Aquaculture?

How sustainable are different kinds of Aquaculture?

There are many different types and methods of Aquaculture, including the Flow-through system, Net Enclosures, Closed Circulating system, and Pond Farming. Some of them are more sustainable than others. The Flow-through system consists of using basins and the flow of water. This method is the opposite of sustainability, it takes fishes from nature, and all we give back is the water that will be drained from the basins. “the continuous water exchange ensures a constantly high oxygen content and, in turn, good living conditions, enabling more fish to be kept in the same space than would be possible with pond farming.” Says the GGN. Pumping water and draining water can’t be considered as sustainable, not when they’re taking the fish. Net enclosures is a method of aquaculture for salmon, cod etc. This method uses a net to keep the fish in, while the fish can live in the natural environment.  However, with a fish like Salmon, where large amounts are farmed and exported widely, this method is not sustainable. While the net keeps the fish in, it does not keep the residues and medications administered, making the water around it polluted with fish residues. “circular plastic constructions with net depths of 10 to 40 metres and a volume of 3,000 to 40,000 cubic metres.”- the GGN. The use of large amounts of plastic can be harmful to wildlife, the environment. The closed recirculating system is a system entirely independent of the natural water source, making it less interactive with the environment. This method is more environmentally sustainable than others, it filters waste water to put into the breeding tanks. Taking waste water and putting it into use. However, it is more expensive, considering its complex construction and structure. In our society, where food production companies main goal is to make money, not to feed more people, less are likely to use the closed recirculating system, despite their environmental benefits. Pond farming is the most widespread method of aquaculture. Fish is cultivated in a large body of water or even an artificial pond. In intensive farming, large amounts of fish in a small space, it requires fresh water and maintenance. Feed residues and other materials pollute the water, requiring medications and chemicals to prevent diseases. Pond farming’s artificial feeding, extensive use of chemicals and medication to fix diseases is questionable.

The Fish industry needs improvement, with environmentally and economically sustainable methods. Like other industries, it depends on which side you look at it from, environmentally sustainability can be done, with methods like a closed recirculating system, but it is expensive, and not economically sustainable. Maybe what needs to be improved is the industry’s perspective on itself, their main goal is to earn money through whatever is cheapest and produces the most.

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