Ranks: Most useful: meaning it was easy to understand and very helpful, detailed and not boring. Useful: meaning it was helpful in someways, but some parts were not covered.  Least useful: meaning no detailed description and hard to understand or boring.

  1. Linear Relations

https://youtu.be/rgvysb9emcQ  summary:This video is about graphing linear equations, it explains the basic vocab or the formula needed, such as y=mx+b, or y=y-y1/x2-x1. m= slope, b= y-intercept, x and y is the horizontal and vertical line on the graph. And how the slope is rise/run, so if it is 3x+2, then the 3 is the slope, 3=3/1, so the rise is 3 and the run is 1. If all the numbers are positive, you go up and right, but if all the numbers is negative, you go down and left. It shows you an example of graphing with y=3x+2, so you start from 2, which is the y-intercept, and you draw a dot. And then you use the slop, 3/1 and go up 3 and move to the right 1. and repeat 3-4 times, and you can connect all the dots together to create a line. Rank:most useful It showed easy examples, and it was easy to understand. the words were all described and detailed. But it didn’t use a more complicated one for examples.

https://youtu.be/MweKCXkZ1GA  summary: This video is about Linear relations as well. It didn’t explain the formula or the vocab but it did show us the table of x and y, from y=2x+7, it made a table for what y would be for different numbers for x, if x is 2, then y is 2(2)+7 which is 11. So then it showed us how to graph but wasn’t very detailed. It shows me some word problems that is helpful, and quite detailed.  Rank: useful  Not very detailed, but covered basic linear relations examples through he word problems.


2. Linear Equation + inequalities

https://youtu.be/f15zA0PhSek summary: this video shows the process of solving an equation in detail. The equation was 2x+3=5x-2, first the video showed us a model or tiles, which helps. So there is 2 x tiles, and 3 number tiles = 5 x tiles and -2 number tiles. This helped the process by breaking it down more in detail to see what happens with tiles when we solve. We start with subtracting 2x, so we get rid or 2x from both sides, and we get 3= 3x-2, and then we add 2 on both sides, and we are left with 5=3x, so then we divide both sides by 3 to get x by itself, we get 5/3 =x. The tiles are the same, we get rid of 2 x tiles from both sides, add 2 number tiles to both sides, and then we divide the 5 number tiles into 3 equal parts, then one part =x. Rank: most useful  The tiles was helpful, and the example used variables on both sides, and it was detailed process to get to x. The tiles visualized what happens.

https://youtu.be/VgDe_D8ojxw summary: This video is on linear inequalities and how to solve them, first they show you a few easy examples, like x >5, and it shows you the number line, on the number line, you have the numbers from 5 to as many numbers as you want, and circling 5 to show that it is bigger than 5 but not equal to 5, and the numbers bigger than 5 can all possibly be x. and if we solve 3x+2<=1, then we do the same as we would with an equation, get rid of the 2 by subtracting from both sides, we get 3x<=-1, and then we divide both sides by 3, to get x= -1/3. And remember when you multiply or divide by a negative in the inequality problem, you have to flip the sign, for >, change it to <.  Rank: most useful   They s video showed the process of solving inequalities and starting with the easy ones to help understand, and the number lines was very helpful. explaining was well done to help understanding.


3. Scale factor + similarity

https://youtu.be/Iu8WLd9SP_c  summary: The video is about the scale factor and similar triangles, it shows you how to find the unknown side using the scale factor. one side of the big triangle is 9cm, and one side of the small triangle is 3cm, so to find the scale factor, it is 9/3 which equals 3. 3 is bigger than 1, so the big triangle is an enlargement of the small triangle. You also know that all the three angles are the same, so the 2 triangles are similar. To find the missing side of the big triangle, you times the side on the small triangle by the scale factor, and you get the answer. Or you can use a different method of doing 9/3 which is the scale factor = x(the missing side)/5(the side on the small triangle). and you find the missing side. Rank: useful   The video was helpful overall and it was simple to understand, but it isn’t very detailed.

https://youtu.be/wZ-y8SXwG5c  summary: The video is about the same thing as the first scale factor and similar video, but this time you are finding the missing side on the small triangle and you’re using scale factor that is smaller than 1. So the scale factor is 3/9 which equals 1/3/ 1/3 is less than 1, so the small triangle is a reduction of the big triangle. You can either multiply the matching side of the missing side on the big triangle by the scale factor, (15 times 1/3), Or you can so 1/3 which is the scale factor = x(the missing side)/15(the matching side on the big triangle)  Rank: useful   The video is quite helpful because it’s different to the first video, but again some details are not completely covered.