Organism Research Inquiry

For this project, you will be doing some research on an organism of your choice. There are two purposes for this project: (1) to give you an opportunity to explore an area of interest (2) to practice the concepts that are learned in class.

Presentation: You can present your findings in a number of ways: a poster presentation, a work of art, colored pieces of cards shaped into a puzzle, booklet, painting, photobook (with information on the side), prezi, powerpoint, sculpture… etc. I am open to creative ideas.

You will be presenting your projects to the rest of the class in a gallery walk format. In a gallery walk, half the class presents their findings and project while the other half walks around to the various “exhibits”. In each of the two rounds, there will be awards presented to


  1. Coolest Organism
  2. Most Creative Presentation

You and your peers will be the judges. You will vote on the two awards above.

Our gallery walk will take place the last day before spring break (March 11th).

Project Checklist:

  Component Description Marks
Š Statement of interest Write one or two paragraphs why you chose to research this organism. What about the organism interested you? 5
Š A picture You may choose to draw your organism or choose a photo online. 1
Š Binomial Nomenclature What is the scientific name of your organism? What is the meaning of your organism’s species name?

E.g. Canis familiaris (dog). “familiaris” means “household”, “friendly” or “intimate” in Latin

Š Classification Find the genus, family, order, class, phylum and kingdom of the organism you choose. What are the distinctive characteristics of the groups? 6
Š Dichotomous key Choose four other organisms that look similar to your organism (maybe in the same genus or family?).
Create a dichotomous key for the five organisms.
Š Cool facts What are some cool facts about your organism? Include at least 5. 5
Š Abiotic and biotic factors What are some of the abiotic and biotic factors that impact your organism? Include at least five. 5
Š Trophic Chain Situate your organism in a trophic chain. Include at least the sun and two other trophic levels. 5
Š Population Growth Using one density-dependent factor affecting your organism, draw a hypothetical population growth curve, label the four parts of the graph and describe what is happening in each part. 5
Š Symbiotic Relationship Find two examples of either symbiotic, parasitic, commensalistic or mutualistic relationship in the food chain you provided above. 4
Š Relationship to humans What is the organism’s relationship with humans? How does their well-being impact ours?

Write one or two paragraphs

50 marks


The different components are marked based on completion. Late penalties: 10% off for everyday late.

Choose your organism by Friday February 12th
Check in with Ms. Hui on Monday February 22nd or Tuesday February 23rd
Gallery Walk on Friday March 11th 

Organisms Sign-Up 

Block A

Block C


No Ideas? Here are some suggestions