All About Me – Victor Yu

Descriptive Paragraph

The bright screen illuminates the room in blue glow of light, the furious rapid fire of keys overwhelms all sound in the dark room.  2 Months of work crammed into 1 night. The race of ideas flowing through my head, I feel my hands tensing up and beginning to cramp. The pressure of handing the assignment in on time piles up. All my surroundings are a haze and all focus falls towards the massive influx of letters on the screen. The clock ticks at an alarmingly fast rate, the minutes feel like seconds and the hours feel like minutes. I hear my heart beat through the piercing silence. The blood in my veins pulse in a fuming rage. Bitter sweet taste of steaming hot coffee lingers on my tongue, sustaining me for minutes before I start to slowly doze off again.  The invigorating smell of the dark roast signals that I have not died yet. Paragraph after paragraph my java cools and so does my consciousness. I wake to a loud sound of a satanic sound blaring into my ear canals. I feel my cold keyboard stinging my face as I start to gain sense of my surroundings. The taste of dry flesh haunts my mouth, the feeling of the dry walls of flesh in my mouth haunt my senses. I force myself to stand in an upright position, but it proves futile as I fall back onto my soft leather chair. My desire to sleep is strong but it is soon foiled by the overwhelming smell of bacon and eggs. The divine smell of breakfast forces me to linger into my kitchen and feast. After all said and done, I go on my perilous trip to school to hand in my last minute essay. I walk through the crowded halls of my school, pushed and shoved by people scurrying into their classes like a cat chasing mice. The smell of cologne and perfume bombard my nose in a joint attack. I fight my way through the halls like I’m in a zombie apocalypse and make it to my class. I sit for a bit waiting for her to ask to hand it in, but alas, the words that come out of her mouth makes me face palm myself with a powerful sigh, that even kids in China could hear… the due date has been pushed a week.



2 thoughts on “All About Me – Victor Yu”

  1. Thank you for posting the ‘All About Me’ project using both descriptive writing and SWAY. I have some observations regarding this piece on a technological perspective.

    – Sway is embedded and properly posted within blog entry
    – Details, format and structure of Sway is exemplary
    – Sway uses either original photos or images that are cited (sourced)
    – Written paragraph is included and is embedded
    – Proper use of tags, categories and title

    Excellent post! I hope that you enjoyed doing this project and learnt how to use a new technological tool, that being SWAY through Office 365!
    Thank you,

    Mr. Barazzuol
    COL Teacher

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