Photo Compilation Project for “Father and Son”

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The photo compilation project we did is based on the shirt story “Father and Son,” by Bernard MacLaverty. The story is about a man who is raising his son on his own, and is having troubles because the son doesn’t want to talk to him. The father wants to be close to his son and wants to talk to him and help him, but the son does not feel the same way and thinks his father is annoying. The son always goes out so he doesn’t have to be around his father, which makes his father worried and stressed.


“My son is breaking my heart. It is already broken.” (Maclaverty 1)

The son and his father have a damaged relationship because of the sons drug use. The son shows resentment towards his father because he thinks his father is annoying and cowardly. The father just wants to have a normal relationship with his son and show him he cares for him.


“I let you go once-and look what happened” “Not this again.” (Maclaverty 3)

The son is tired of his father trying to help him. He doesn’t want to repair their relationship. The father has tried many times to help his son, but his son is tired of it and wants his father to leave him alone. The son thinks is father is annoying and cowardly.

“He bundles the paper and hurls it in the corner and stamps up the stairs to his room” (Maclaverty 4)

The son is angry at his father, because his father keeps asking him questions. Finally, he swears at his father, which angers him. They start fighting again and the son goes upstairs to his room to get away from his father.

“The door swings open and he pushes a hand gun beneath the pillow” (Maclaverty 5)

The father follows the son up to his room. He opens the door to apologize to him but instead surprises the son, who has a handgun. The father asks him about it, which makes it worse  and they start to fight again.


“There is a bang…Not believing, I look into the hallway.” (Maclaverty 5)

The father is washing dishes, when he hears his son talking to his friends. A loud bang noise is heard from the landing,  and he goes out to see what happened. He discovers that his son has been shot and sees that he is hurt.


“My son is lying on the floor, his head on the bottom stair, his feet on the threshold”. (Maclaverty 5)

The son has been hurt, and has been knocked onto the floor from the impact of his injuries. The father goes to him to try to help him and see what has happened. He thinks that his son has been punched, however, his injuries are much worse.

“I take my son’s limp head in my hands and see a hole in his nose that should not be there. At the base of his nostril”. (Maclaverty 5)

The father is shocked to discover that his son’s injuries are much worse than what he thought. discovers that his son’s injuries were fatal. Instead of being punched and getting a concussion, his son was shot in the head while talking with the other person.

“My son, let me put my arms around you”. (Maclaverty 5)

The father has been trying to reach out to his son and show him he cares for a long time, but the son never wanted to be around his father. The father will never get to repair the relationship between him and his son. It took his son dying for the father to be able to finally show him that he cares.

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