Digital Footprint

Digital Footprint

Brown Sand

Q1. How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities?


If you have a positive digital footprint, it will not affect you badly and instead, it might even help you, like if you by getting a better job. But, if you have a negative digital footprint, It might gets you troubles and ruin good opportunities, for example; After you graduate university, you try to find a decent job but no one wants to hired you and the reason why is because you have a negative digital footprint. 

Strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint safe and appropriate:

  1. Think before if you post anything on the internet
  2. create strong passwords and never ever share personal informationClose-up Photography of Smartphone Icons
  3. Be friendly and social

 What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

I learned that digital footprint is very important, it can seriously affect our opportunities, and future. I would tell them always think before we post anything on the internet, once its there, it could never be deleted. Also to create strong passwords so people won’t go into your accounts easily, and never ever share your personal information.


Person Holding Smartphone While Sitting



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