9 Responses

  1. Olivia Colombo at |

    I find this question very interesting. I love how passionate you are about your question and how much you want to know the answer. as an experiment possibly you could blind fold someone & put sound proof headphones on them and see how well they would be able to do some everyday things such as: brushing teeth, doing hair, making a bowl of cereal etc. I’m not sure how to experiment the loss of touch. this was very well done. good job venica! <3

  2. Kevin Fan at |

    I’m mesmerized by the depth of research this had. Quite scary to be honest to think about what it’d be like to be completely blind, deaf, mute, tasteless, and touchless. I think the one thing that could further your research is a question: What impacts on the human brain would this have? Would this give us a new dimension to exist in? And if so, which dimension are we living in right now? Are dimensions real?

    Sorry I kinda went off there haha but like great post!

  3. laurens2018 at |

    I really love the topic you chose, I think it’s really interesting and unique. Your information all makes a lot of sense and gives a lot of important details pertaining to your project. One change I can think of would be to double check your grammar. There were a few mistakes, so for next time just be a little more conscious of that.

  4. Debbie Davignon at |

    Very insightful topic with a great deal of research done. We never really think about our senses, but our lives are so much richer and rewarding with them as opposed to without. We may be able to compensate for the loss of one sense, but losing multiple senses would be devastating to our well being – you did a really good job of illuminating this!

    You’ve put a lot of thought into this into this project, the only thing I would suggest is taking the time to proofread your work for spelling and grammatical errors.

  5. joshuac2018 at |

    I like your research overall. Especially, I really like your video because It reminded me again how much are all each sense are important. Also, I like your topic because this really does effect to our lives right now. If we lose our senses is going to be hard to live without other people help.

  6. Regina at |

    I love this topic and how deep it is as I have never really thought about what would happen if I lost all of my senses.
    However, there were some grammatical mistakes so I would go over it more next time. Good job

  7. Mr. Robinson at |

    With your experiment, it might be hard to find the people you need. It could, however, be replicated by mimicking the loss of these senses. What do you think?

  8. reillyo2018 at |

    I really liked your question and i could tell that you really worked hard on this project! You did have some grammatical errors, but other wise I think that you went extremely into depth. Keep up the good work!

  9. cdurand at |

    This is such an interesting topic as it would truly be devastating to lose all three senses. I really enjoyed learning about how the other senses compensate for each other when one is no longer working. Your work was clearly presented and easy to follow. I would love to see you create chart stating the challenging we face with the loss of each sense and how we can compensate for the loss of that specific sense. How would a person with the loss of all three survive? I have heard of people with vision and hearing loss together, but not all three. I am looking forward to seeing what you come up with! Great job!
    Mrs. D


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