How might your digital footprint
affect your future opportunities?
Give at least two examples.

Your digital footprint may affect your future opportunities by preventing you from getting into certain colleges, universities, and even jobs. The things you say and do on the internet can have a big impact on opportunities that may come to you later in life. Having a bad digital footprint can also affect the way your friends and family look at you.

Describe at least three strategies
that you can use to keep your
digital footprint appropriate and

Some strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint safe are to look what you say or post before you publish it,  to make sure its appropriate, necessary, kind, or inspiring to others or yourself. Next, you can enter your name in a search engine like Google to make sure your digital footprint is safe. You should also be making strong and memorable passwords so no one can potentially hack any of your social media or email accounts, etc.




What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go  about telling them?

I learned that the things you say and do on the internet can affect you for the better or worse in the future, so the information I would pass on to the other students would be to just be careful what you do on the internet and try to make sure your digital footprint is safe.