Neuron and Synapse Function


A neuron, also known as a nerve cell, is a responsive cell cell that receives electrical and chemical signals in the brain and transmits them around the body to make a person aware of their environment. They are an essential part of the nervous system. The signals can go up to speeds of 120 meters per second. The types of neurons researched this class were: The sensory (image), the relay, and motor types. The structure (see below) of the sensory neuron are: The dendrites, which receive info from the other neurons, the nucleus, which provides energy, the axon, which carries the neuron’s messages to other parts of the body, and the soma, where the signals from the dendrites are joined and passed on to the rest of the cells.


Credit: Omar Faqiri

The function of the synapse is to transfer electric activity in the brain from one cell to another. The transfers can be from neurons and muscles. Synapses make neurons continually fire and transfer signals at over 100 times per second.