Protein Synthesis Lab

Transcription of DNA is a simple process. First, the RNA polymerase binds to a specific sequence in the DNA and makes a bit of the DNA in the gene pry apart like this: .

Then, the RNA polymerase goes down the strand of DNA that it just pried apart and uses complementary base pairing on the template strand to make a mirrored set of DNA that should be the same as the non-template strand except the T will be a U. Next, the mRNA strand that was just created detaches from the template strand of DNA and the two original strands of DNA pair with each other again. Now you have a copy of the DNA in the form of mRNA and the original strand is still intact like we had here in our lab: .

In our lab that we did today, we did this exact process, we had a model of an RNA polymerase and we went down the DNA strand and copied the template strand to mRNA and detached the mRNA after we were done. We didn’t exactly separate the DNA and just put the mRNA strand over the non-template strand, and we copied the whole DNA strand that was given to us instead of taking the whole gene and trying to figure out where to start copying from and where to stop. We also did the translation of our mRNA strand in our lab. In translation, the first step is to find the start sequence which will always be AUG. When the small ribosomal subunit and the initiator tRNA (which has the anti-codon UAC in order to bind with AUG) find a codon in the mRNA that is AUG, the large ribosomal subunit joins with the small ribosomal subunit to start the translation which kind of looks like this: .


After the first tRNA has bound, another tRNA corresponding to the next codon gets placed next to the first tRNA and the proteins attached to the tRNA bind to each other. During translation, tRNA with matching codons to the mRNA is bound and the protein attached is bound to the protein on the tRNA before it. This keeps happening and a chain of proteins keeps growing until there is a codon that corresponds to a stop sequence on the mRNA. When the ribosomal subunits get to either UGA, UAG, or UAA, the subunits will detach and the chain of protein that was just made is free to swim away. The end product should look something like this:


During the lab we did this, we had the ribosomal subunits go along the mRNA until they found an AUG codon, then we started translation and made a chain of proteins. For our model, we only had 4 cutouts of tRNA so we had to erase what the sequence on it was in order to attach it with more proteins that we needed to make.


Core Competent Canadians

What did you know about the Core Competencies before this activity? What did you learn?

I knew a bit about the Core Competencies before this activity but I didn’t really understand them and what they meant. I learned what they meant from this activity and the meaning behind the Core Competencies.

How can your knowledge of the Core Competencies help you in your school life? Personal life?

I think the Core Competencies can help me in school a small amount and not affect me a lot. I think the Core Competencies can help me a lot more outside of school and are useful to have.

Science 10 project

Is it possible to transfer information faster than the speed of light?

transferring data at faster than light speeds will make communication between planets and solar systems a lot bearable than waiting 4 years for a message to get to the nearest solar system. Faster data transfer might allow for real-time communication between planets. Nothing has been observed by scientists,  to travel faster than light, and maybe nothing will ever be observed to travel faster than light. There have been studies to determine if neutrinos can travel faster than light, and some of them even said neutrinos could travel faster than light[1], but the measurements were faulty and not set up the right way. in order to make something go faster than the speed of light, we need to find out if light has mass because mass is closely linked with speed and energy, if light does have mass, there could easily be a particle with less mass than light or we could make one. So does light really have any mass? E=mc² proves that energy can become mass, and light does have a lot of energy. The short answer: no, nick lucid does a good job of explaining why light has no mass in this video:

light has no mass, but can there be something with negative mass?[2] particles with negative mass can actually work with Einstein’s theory of relativity [3]. Some Particles with negative mass are called tachyons.


Tachyons Image result for tachyons

Tachyons were in Star Trek to explain faster than light travel and real-time communication over very long distances. Tachyons were first proposed by O. M. P. Bilaniuk, V. K. Deshpande, and E. C. G. Sudarshan in 1962, the term they used was “meta-particle”. If tachyons do exist, they would break the law of causality, allowing them to travel back in time[4], allowing us from the future to communicate with the past. If tachyons did travel back in time, why haven’t we seen any transmissions from the future yet? Is it because tachyons don’t exist? or for some other reason maybe? tachyons aren’t the only theorized way to send data faster than light, there are also wormholes.



Image result for wormholesWormholes

Wormholes can work with general relativity but they are only a theory. Here is an explanation for wormholes “A wormhole could connect extremely long distances such as a billion light-years or more, short distances such as a few meters, different universes, or different points in time.” [5]. a wormhole can work like a teleporter, linking large distances. If we are to make a wormhole between 2 places it would require an immense amount of energy and the bigger it gets, the more energy it will take, so it might be practical to make a wormhole a few atoms wide to transfer signals through. There are some theories that going through a wormhole could be time travel [6] but it might not. Wormholes aren’t proven to exist and no one really knows if they are real but there is something that is proven and it might help us transfer information faster than the speed of light, quantum entanglement.


Quantum Entanglement

Quantum entanglement is proven to work and scientists can even entangle particles with experements[7]. I can’t explain how quantum entanglement works but Veritasium does a good job at explaining it here. the problem with quantum entanglement is with sending information if you force an entangled particle into a state it breaks the entanglement [8]. Unless more research happens in quantum entanglement we won’t be able to transmit data at faster than light speeds.


In the end, there is no way to transfer data faster than the speed of light at the moment. If more research goes into this topic and more experiments happen then it might be very possible. If I had to guess how we would transmit data at faster than light speeds I think it would be wormholes.



my self assessment:

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Science 9 House Project and Self Assessment

Project questions:

1: If you unscrew one light bulb then the other lights will go out if it is on a series circuit.

2: If you unscrew one light bulb then all the others will stay on if it is a parallel circuit.

3: the lightbulb in the series circuit would be brighter than the other ones because the two ones in the parallel circuit have to share the energy while the one in the series gets more.

4: you would have to add half the energy from the series light bulb on the two of the remaining light bulbs.

5: I think I collaborated a lot with my partner during this project. I think we built the house well but we could have improved on taping the wires a bit more.




1) I needed to research what a complex circuit was and I researched how to make a circuit.

2) I used the PHET simulations website to test my circuits to make sure the circuit designs worked.

3) we first came up with the idea, then researched that idea and came up with a conclusion after that.

4) we only used websites with .org, .ca or .edu

5) The project was very challenging to complete and things would randomly stop working because the tape wasn’t that good.

