Gothic Setting

He had known it would be dark, he didn’t know about the smell. The rotting corpses coupled with the decaying plants. There wasn’t another soul in sight. The old Young mansion had plenty of rooms to spare, most of them flooding with water as the biggest storm of the year rages outside. Mold covers the walls as the last of the bats are so fatigued they can barely move. The storm has starved most of them, and the emptiness of the plains surrounding the house didn’t offer many places to hide from the weather.

Top 5 Linux Distros for new Linux users to use on an old computer

Picking the right Linux distribution can be tough, whether you’re a seasoned Arch user or taking your first steps with Ubuntu. We all have that one old computer that can’t run anything on it, so, why not make it useful with one of these distributions that will fit perfectly on that old, rundown, and dusty hunk of metal. I’ve personally tried many different Linux distros to get every last ounce of performance out of my older hardware.

1. Tiny Core Linux

Tiny Core Persistence – Notes – IoT Bytes

Tiny Core Linux can run on ANYTHING. With only requiring 46 Megabytes of RAM and, of course, a tiny CPU. This distro is perfect for running Linux on microcomputers, such as a Raspberry Pi. There are some downsides to Tiny Core though. The desktop environment isn’t exactly the prettiest thing to look at, and it is tricky to setup. Tiny Core comes with the Kernel and root filesystem, the very basic foundation of a desktop operating system. If you are up for it, or just want to try it, Tiny Core Linux will run smoothly on basically anything you throw at it.


2. AntiX Linux

Antix Linux | Review - YouTube

AntiX Linux is a great distro based off of Debian. So if you’re experienced with other distros like Ubuntu or Linux Mint, this shouldn’t be too different. You will also be able to install and run most of the software you would normally have with other Debian based distros. If you’re a more experienced Linux user, you may find it appealing that AntiX Linux doesn’t have systemd. Also, AntiX is specifically designed to run on older hardware making it a perfect choice if you want an easy to use, Debian based, systemd free operating system.


3. Lubuntu

lubuntu-logo - OSGeo


Lubuntu is an Ubuntu based distribution (as you’ve probably already guessed) that is perfect for newer Linux users. One of the best features of Lubuntu is that it offers the same ease of use as most distros is the Ubuntu family have while also being more lightweight and efficient. Lubuntu is also one of the most lightweight distribution in the Ubuntu family and specializes in the support of older hardware. You will also be able to use all the same software that you would normally have on Ubuntu.


4. Peppermint OS

Peppermint 10 Default Desktop

Peppermint OS is a more cloud-focused Linux distribution. Peppermint OS is based off of Lubuntu meaning that you will be able to use most of the same software from Lubuntu. Even though it is faster, even more lightweight, and more efficient than Lubuntu, it’s best feature is probably the ICE application that comes with the operating system. ICE allows users to create desktop applications from websites! With Peppermint OS, you can use websites such as or like you would a normal desktop application.


5. Puppy Linux

File:Banner logo Puppy.png - Wikimedia Commons

Puppy Linux is a great all around operating system for older computers. At a relatively small size (Only 300 Megabytes!!!) and centered around ease of use, Puppy Linux is great for anyone. Puppy Linux can also be compatible with a host of different other distros depending on what version you use. Between being able to support packages from a lot of different systems, optimized for older hardware, and being one of the more user friendly distros, there is something in Puppy Linux for anyone (also puppies).



Protein Synthesis Lab

Transcription of DNA is a simple process. First, the RNA polymerase binds to a specific sequence in the DNA and makes a bit of the DNA in the gene pry apart like this: .

Then, the RNA polymerase goes down the strand of DNA that it just pried apart and uses complementary base pairing on the template strand to make a mirrored set of DNA that should be the same as the non-template strand except the T will be a U. Next, the mRNA strand that was just created detaches from the template strand of DNA and the two original strands of DNA pair with each other again. Now you have a copy of the DNA in the form of mRNA and the original strand is still intact like we had here in our lab: .

In our lab that we did today, we did this exact process, we had a model of an RNA polymerase and we went down the DNA strand and copied the template strand to mRNA and detached the mRNA after we were done. We didn’t exactly separate the DNA and just put the mRNA strand over the non-template strand, and we copied the whole DNA strand that was given to us instead of taking the whole gene and trying to figure out where to start copying from and where to stop. We also did the translation of our mRNA strand in our lab. In translation, the first step is to find the start sequence which will always be AUG. When the small ribosomal subunit and the initiator tRNA (which has the anti-codon UAC in order to bind with AUG) find a codon in the mRNA that is AUG, the large ribosomal subunit joins with the small ribosomal subunit to start the translation which kind of looks like this: .


After the first tRNA has bound, another tRNA corresponding to the next codon gets placed next to the first tRNA and the proteins attached to the tRNA bind to each other. During translation, tRNA with matching codons to the mRNA is bound and the protein attached is bound to the protein on the tRNA before it. This keeps happening and a chain of proteins keeps growing until there is a codon that corresponds to a stop sequence on the mRNA. When the ribosomal subunits get to either UGA, UAG, or UAA, the subunits will detach and the chain of protein that was just made is free to swim away. The end product should look something like this:


During the lab we did this, we had the ribosomal subunits go along the mRNA until they found an AUG codon, then we started translation and made a chain of proteins. For our model, we only had 4 cutouts of tRNA so we had to erase what the sequence on it was in order to attach it with more proteins that we needed to make.


ICT 11 – Operating Systems

There are a lot of differences between operating systems and there are a lot of similarities too. Let’s talk about windows first, they’re the top operating system making up almost 90% of all operating systems. There is a good reason for that as well, windows can be used almost anywhere. From a touch screen tablet to a $200 laptop to a $3000 gaming computer, windows can be used anywhere on almost every device. Windows also comes pre-installed on most computers you buy, it’s quite easy to use and has very good functionality too. You can set up corporate and school networks very easily with tools that are already installed with windows. The cost isn’t that much, if you’re building your own computer you might need to purchase windows for around $100 which is a very good price for what you’re getting. macOS is almost the opposite of windows, whereas windows can work on anything you throw at it, macOS is only able to run on Apple computers. This is probably the biggest reason why macOS only has a 10% market share. macOS is very easy to use for the customer and their products look nice with their sleek design. A lot of people prefer macOS over windows and I can see why, it just feels better. Apple doesn’t change much about their operating system, if you took someone that knows how to use macOS and put them in front of a mac from 1984, they would know what to do and how to use it. They offer a level of continuity that is unmatched by windows. But all of it comes with a price, and Apple computers are expensive for what you get from a hardware perspective. But you’re paying for the experience, not the hardware. You don’t have to worry about getting a virus, you can barely hear the computer running, the battery life is good, and everything just looks amazing. There is a reason why most developers choose to use a mac. Macs are great for the consumer but what about Linux? Linux is an open-source OS, meaning you know what you’re getting when you install any of the countless versions of Linux out there. It also means that Linux is entirely free. You can run Linux on literally anything, servers, a raspberry pi, a smart fridge, anything. You can make anything work on Linux given enough time and brainpower. Here’s the thing, a lot of programs aren’t built for Linux so it might take more time to get things done without the tools that make it easier. Every operating system can be used effectively for your needs and everyone should research what OS they should go with for what their doing on their computer


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Interfering waves

Constructive Wave: Two crests/troughs meet up to create a wave with higher amplitude

Destructive Wave: A crest and trough meet up to cancel each other’s waves.

Standing Wave: Interfering waves with the same amplitude and wavelength to create stationary nodes.

Exploring Waves

Pulse Wave: Single non-repeating wave

Periodic Wave: Wave recurring at regular intervals

Transverse Wave: Disturbance is at a right angle to direction

Longitudinal Wave: Disturbance is in the same direction