Science app review

problem) Let’s say you need to find out what all the elements are used for because of a school project.

Brainstorm) You could google every single element and see what it’s used for, or you can download an app about the elements.

I found an app called Elements: The Periodic Table. explanation) this app gives you all the information you need about all the elements in the periodic table.It tells you the history of the element, boiling point, melting point, main applications, isotopes, where the symbol came from and that is only in the free version. The app also has a search feature where you can search for different elements. This app can help people learn by displaying information that won’t be on a periodic table. This app also only took me about 2 minutes to figure because of it’s simplistic design. I think I would rate this app 5/5 stars because I have no complaints about it and it gives me a lot of information about elements.

2 thoughts on “Science app review

  1. Your post was well made, i’ve found out the app is pretty useful when it comes to learning some unique things about the elements.

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