Luminaries Process

In the past three weeks, I have accomplished three maquettes. The first week is started working with clay I made a candle holder very simplistic but calming gives a natural look to it. It was my first time on the wheel I had to learn new techniques and it turned out very well for how […]

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Luminaries Purpose

For my project, I want to infuse wood burning with light. I want to make a display board made out of cedar, the board will have cracks that will be filled up with colored resin and small lights to project light from the board. When wood-burning the electrical current runs through the grain in the […]

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Indigenous Podcast – Cold

  I chose Geraldine Settee because her murder has still not been solved she was murdered in the 1970s and it still hasn’t been solved. I found it a bit hard to find information on her but I feel like it is a story that needs to be told and not to forget this soul. […]

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What Is New Media?

What is new media? New media is the online way of exchanging information between people. New media is interactive and be able to choose what you want to listen to or watch and read. New media is anything from apps to video games to Television etc. New media is content on-demand whenever on any device. […]

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Power tech reflection

Part A: Research: Finding a unique design that also word works well and is not too difficult to build. Design: Finding a design that I and my partner both like. Materials: It was a little difficult only using the materials we were given I would have gone beyond cardboard and syringes. Construction: I didn’t really […]

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