In the Woods

The black slug or “arion ater” is an invasive species that is native to Europe. It’s an invasive species in Australia, Canada (British Columbia), and Newfoundland.  It preys on other living organisms like vegetation and other small things. They have a layer of mucus around them which allows them to stick to objects but also, it’s a protective layer because they don’t do too well in the sun. These slugs stay in dark places with lots of vegetation around them. It has two long tentacles at the end of those tentacles are two eyes that can observe their surroundings just like snails they have taster tentacles that are very sensitive to their environment 

Canary reed grass is native to Europe and Asia mostly in temperate regions in Europe and Asia. Canary reed grass came over with Euro-American settlers and it was used for gardens. The Canary reed grass is a very aggressive plant and dominates wetland vegetation. The reason why it’s such a big problem because it takes over shrubs and other bushes and sometimes even trees. It also can change stream dynamics because they spread so quickly. The best way is to dig up the plant and get the entire root but you can also weed killer but that harms other plants when deep in the soil, so the best way is to dig them up. To make it easier make sure the soil is damp then take out the whole root.  




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