Digitlal Footprint


Digital Foot Print

  1. How might your digital footprint affect your future?

Your digital footprint can, in fact, change how people perceive you and that could change how to get a job or even get into a different school. For example, you applied online to work at a restaurant and they google your name and they see your account and all of these pictures of you drinking and smoking. The restaurant will probably not hire you because of these pictures. The restaurant will probably hire the guy that shows him hiking and hanging out with friends but doing responsible things the restaurant will most likely hire him instead of you. And this is the same with school if you are applying for a program and they see those things they will probably not want you in their program. It can also affect who you are because it might embarrass you because someone might have taken a picture or video of you doing a stupid thing.  But it doesn’t need to be all negative if you are doing positive things and posting that online it can really help you in life you don’t need to make it hard for your self, try and stick to the good things not the bad because it can help you in the long run.

2. Three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

  • Posting responsibly
  • Making sure your passwords are strong and not to give them away
  • Don’t interact with people you don’t know and share your personal information
  • Don’t go to restricted sites.






3.  I learned a lot of things and the information that I would give to other students is to be careful and responsible with your actions on the internet because it will all be saved and it will never be truly deleted.  You need to be careful about who you talk to and what you say to those people. What I’m saying is be responsible with what you do on the internet don’t be foolish and act dumb because it can come back you and it will hurt.


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