
Hello my name is Julie William. I am stuck in a ghetto with my family for almost a year. I decided to write this diary with two reasons. The first reason is that I could encourage myself by writing this diary and I thought that I can understand the current situation more clearly. The second reason is because, I believe that someone in the future might read my diary and I want many people to know this tragedy. I hope that people who are in the future will never repeat this tragedy again. I am 35years old and my husband Mark William is 40years old. We married 10years ago in the small city and we have two children. I had a happy life with my family every day, but everything has changed a year ago. The Germans controls us really brutally and me and my husband have to work for German, my children can not go to school anymore. We have no money and nothing to eat. I fought every day with suffering that I cannot give any food to my children. The air in the ghetto was terrible with the smell of crops and I saw many of them everyday. They looked like a skeletons with no clothes. My husband has been gone since yesterday. I am sti1l sad and I miss my husband already, but there is no choice. I kept feeling down that I want to go look for him right now, but I cannot, because I have children who need me. I tried to keep a smile because I do not want to scare them from the Germans. Now what am I going to do? I have two children, but I feel like I am alone. I am scared everyday I do not think I can protect my kids from Nazi. I am very scared and I need help.

I wrote this story imagining what I feel if I was one of the women who were inside of the ghetto. She lost her husband and she want to find him,but she can not do anything because of kids. She needs help, but her kids need her help. She have to be very strong women for her kids even her feels painful. I admire the Jewish woman who endured desperately everyday and had children.



Bard in Classroom Reflection


(We are acting based on the Shakespeare of Comedy)

I had a really fun three days of presentation in the classroom and it was really good for my experience too. I thought Shakespeare is very hard and very hard to understand for example his complicate English words. But I learned about Shakespeare more and now I can understand. Because every time they explained to us the Shakespeare’s complicate words and it was very clearly that is why I can understand what is happening now. We did the stretch three day before we started. I thought that was looks awful, but it was fun too. I really like act with other people based on the Shakespeare. And also I was very enjoyed look other people how they act in the class room. Sometimes we did  serious scene, but most of the time we did comedy or romance so I laugh every time. One thing that I do not like was you have to stand really long time when the class started. We could not sit down and watch. And first day was very fun, but second day was same as first day so it was little bit boaring so maybe next time I want to sit down and watch them how they act Shakespeare.

“The Cage”-Historical Timeline

Annexation of Australia-March.12.1938

On March 11,1939 Hitler said to Schuschnigg to give power to Austrian Nazis or Germany will invade Austria. Schuschnigg quit that evening because he could not get help from France or Britain. Meanwhile, the President of Austria did not want Nazis in power. Hitler got angry and quickly took control of Vienna and arrested the old government. March12, the German army went to Austria and were greeted by cheering Austrian Germans.

( Germany attacked Australia. It is Australia and a complicated newspaper article.)


In the story, “The Cage”, words such as ‘war’ and ‘Hitler’ became a part of everyone’s daily vocabulary. Moishe, the static character who remains optimistic through the the story, claims that Poland is strong and the rest of the world would not let Hitler take over Poland. Then, Yankl says: ‘But the world let Hitler take over Austria and Czechoslovakia.” What Yankl says refers to when the German troops entered Austria and won a battle without shooting a single bullet on March 12,1938. Rather than the Austrian troops fighting against the German troops with civilians panicking, the German troops were welcomed into Austria with cheering. This is an exposition, it is before the conflict where things are still peaceful but leading to the conflict of the story where Poland gets taken over by Germany. This foreshadows what is to come and that Poland is not safe from Nazi Germany. It foreshadows that people will turn their backs on them like how Mrs. Grub ear and her family did.

Germany invaded Poland- September 1,1939


1. On September 1st, 1939 Germany invaded Poland. 2. On September 3rd, Britain and France declared war on Germany. 3. This is how World War 2 was started. 4. Germany and the Soviet Union had a deal so divided Poland afterwards.


( Newspaper article when Germany occupied Poland)


The conflict begins on September 1st ,1939 when the German army invaded Poland. Then on September 3rd,France and Britain declared war on Germany which started World War 2. Unfortunately, not much could be done to save Poland and because of a prior agreement Poland was divided between Germany and Soviet Russia at a later time. The German troops forced the Jewish out of their homes, some people were killed by them. Meanwhile, a new breed of German came suddenly to life: Volksdeutsche. Poles who never knew of their German heritage dig to find a drop of German blood that will link them to “the Fatherland.” Suddenly, Riva, the protagonist, and her family are betrayed by the once warm Mrs. Grub ear and her family who robbed them their stuff.

Jews in German-occupied Poland forced to wear an arm band or yellow star-November 23,1939


On 23 November 1939, Hank Frank, the Nazi Governor-General of occupied Poland, decreed that all Jews who lived in the Poland, the people who were age of over 10 have to were a star on the right arm or on the cloths. It was not allowed for them to exclude the mark of the star without permission. It made it easy for Nazis to identify Jews for deportation.

(Jewish people wearing Star of david in font of a Nazi)


On November 23,1939, the Nazi Governor-General of Poland forced all the Jewish people in people over the age of 10 to wear a star on their right arm or on their clothes. It was not allowed for them to hide the mark and it made it easy for the Nazis to identify Jews for deportation. In the story, Riva asks Saba, her cousin and best friend, if she is ashamed to wear the mark. There is internal conflict from Riva while Saba, a flat character, said she wears the star with pride. This is a rising point., cornering the Jewish to the climax of the story which is deportation. In Riva and her siblings case, it eventually lead them to going to Auschwitz where she never saw her brothers again.

Lots Ghetto sealed-May.7.1940


On February 8th ,1940 the Nazis made the 230,000 Jews move. The space was only 4.3kilometers. After 8 months after the German invasion, Lodz was sealed. The Nazis chose a Jewish man named Mordechai Rumkowski to lead the ghetto.


(German sign of Lodz Ghetto: “Residential area of the Jews. Do not Enter”)


The rising action continues and gets closer to the climax of the story. On February 8th,1940 the Nazis made 230,000 Jews move into the Lodz ghetto. No one was going in or out. The space was only 4.3kilometers. The Nazis had chosen a Jewish man named Mordechai Rumkowski, a flat character, to lead the ghetto. Riva describes him as a man hungry for power and wealth. In the story, the Nazis ordered all machinery to be surrendered to them. This meant no more factories and no more jobs. This lead to thousands of people include Riva, her mother, and siblings joint a march to get more foods and jobs. The March brings results: lichens to supply food, hospitals, schools, and factories. However the kitchen supplies and hospital do not long. Eventually tuberculosis and dysentery spread like wild fire and Riva’s little brother Laibele gets tuberculosis, which he eventually dies from.

Lots ghetto deportation of those unable to work include thr sick, old,and children-September 1942


On September 1942, there had deportation request. The people unable to work to be deported. The people who were nerdy sick, the old, and the children. Many parents refused to send their children to the transport the area and tried to hide them.

(Deporting who were sick and old.)


On September 1942, the Nazis began to deport people who were unable to work. The people who were very sick, the old, and the child. In the story, the Nazis say ‘there are hospitals, better places for the sick and the old.’ Riva’s mother is determined to not let Laibele be taken away so she hides him. They see that Riva’s mother looks sick so they plead with her to hide with Laibele as well. The external conflict escalated as the Nazis say she is too sick to work and put her in a wagon. Riva and her siblings beg for her to jump off the wagon but the policeman hold her back. This was the last time they saw their mother and although the Riva was only 16 years old, she become a mother to her siblings.

Liquidation of Lodz ghetto, Jews deported to Auschwitz-August.7, 1944


In 1944, the Nazis decided to close the ghetto. The remainder of the Jews were sent to concentration camps in Chelmno and Auschwitz. 74,000 Jews were sent to Auschwitz to side. Many died because of starvation, labour, diseases, or killed from gas chambers.

( It is the photograph that a Jews who were in Lodz ghetto, takes a train to Auschwitz.)


On August 7th 1944 we get to the climate of the story. The Nazis decided to close the ghetto and the remainder of the Jews were sent to concentration camps in Chelmno and Auschwiz. Riva and her siblings get on the wagon not knowing where they were going. Throughout the story, being the oldest brother, Motele had felt responsible for his family. Motele, worried about being separated, promises Riva to look after their brothers. When the doors finally open and the German voice says “Welcome ti Aushwitz.” There is intense suspense. Although the character in the book are unaware, the reader knows that 74,000 Jews from Lodz were sent to Auschwitz to die from starvation, labour and diseases, or killed from gas chambers, there is dramatic irony.

The Ghettos Portrayed in “The Cage”


One day Jewish people were confined in Ghetto by German. Jewish lives had changed 180 degrees for controlling by German. They couldn’t live as they used to be. They couldn’t get even minimum nutrition to live because they didn’t have enough foods or drinks. They became weaker and weaker and easily infected by diseases. It spread out and people were easily died.Jewish had to take care of German. They were treated as German’s slaves. Many Jewish were killed in accordance with German’s feelings.Many things belong to Jewish such as houses, electric appliances, clothes,furniture were confiscated by German.They had to obey no matter what happened. They lived in fear of their lives.They felt strong anger to German but they were not able to resist against German. They conflict over their life,family and themselves.Though they worked hard to survive believing family and themselves. We are working for money now but they were not.They worked hard to manage to survive. We work hard same as Jewish do but totally different purposes.

2081 Charter of Rights and Freedoms


Towa Nakanishi
Mr. Barazzoul
26. September 2016

2081 Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Constitution number one cosmetic surgery pertains to a reduction in charges to half price, if the government admits that they are making an effort to get closer to a beautiful face. Constitution number two refers to a family who desires to have more than two children. The additional children would be given to another family who are unable to have children of their own to raise. Constitution number three deals with people’s heights, It would to show more equality in a person’s stature. Constitution number four states that the government would give money to the poor people. Constitution number five regards varying rates of people’s speed. Some run fast and others can only run slowly. Fast people would wear a weight to equalize all people physically. Constitution number six states that a mask is necessary to be worn by beautiful people in order to equalize their appearance with others. Constitution number seven regards government control over a person’s salary. It requires that each company pay the same ensuring equal pay. Constitution number eight regards weight control. All people must be physically active and have similar weight to an athlete (for example a swimmer. Constitution nine states that all people can speak only one language to keep an equality among the population.. Constitution ten states that the-government will dictate the value and size of the house each person lives in. Constitution eleven refers to insurance. All citizens will have equal opportunity to insurance. A person with lots of money will pay more for a service than a person with a small amount of money. Constitution twelve regards the purchase of brand-name products. A person with a lot of money will be limited in the amount of brand name products that they can purchase. Constitution thirteen deals with equal opportunity education to all children. All children have the right to the same education