2081 Charter of Rights and Freedoms


Towa Nakanishi
Mr. Barazzoul
26. September 2016

2081 Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Constitution number one cosmetic surgery pertains to a reduction in charges to half price, if the government admits that they are making an effort to get closer to a beautiful face. Constitution number two refers to a family who desires to have more than two children. The additional children would be given to another family who are unable to have children of their own to raise. Constitution number three deals with people’s heights, It would to show more equality in a person’s stature. Constitution number four states that the government would give money to the poor people. Constitution number five regards varying rates of people’s speed. Some run fast and others can only run slowly. Fast people would wear a weight to equalize all people physically. Constitution number six states that a mask is necessary to be worn by beautiful people in order to equalize their appearance with others. Constitution number seven regards government control over a person’s salary. It requires that each company pay the same ensuring equal pay. Constitution number eight regards weight control. All people must be physically active and have similar weight to an athlete (for example a swimmer. Constitution nine states that all people can speak only one language to keep an equality among the population.. Constitution ten states that the-government will dictate the value and size of the house each person lives in. Constitution eleven refers to insurance. All citizens will have equal opportunity to insurance. A person with lots of money will pay more for a service than a person with a small amount of money. Constitution twelve regards the purchase of brand-name products. A person with a lot of money will be limited in the amount of brand name products that they can purchase. Constitution thirteen deals with equal opportunity education to all children. All children have the right to the same education