Is Ben Altruistic?

Although Ben gave absolutely everything he could to others, and had some similarities with the giving tree, he was not altruistic. Being altruistic means to give things to people for no reason without asking for anything in return. The giving tree and Ben give all of things that they can give, but Ben helped people because he was feeling guilty and he wanted to make himself feel better. However, what people gave to Ben was that they could let Ben feel better. Ben wanted to atone his mistake through helping people, and these people gave him a chance to do it. At the end of the movie, the people showed their thankful to Ben and it was just what he wanted. The boy in giving tree story didn’t show his thankful to the tree though he felt thankful, but the tree still happy because it thought that it had tried it best. The last but not the least, Ben suicided at the end of the story. This behavior made his friend, brother, and all the people who love him felt sad. The giving tree didn’t kill itself but it still let the boy felt happy and thankful instead of being sad.

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