ACTIVE HEALTH 9                                                                                 Name:Thea Erickson


Lesson # 1 Hand-In


Do you have adequate energy (without excessive fatigue) for the following?

• Work or school? YES NO

• Recreational activities? YES NO

• Meeting emergency or stressful situations? YES NO

BODY SHAPE If you regularly participate in physical activity, have you noticed any benefits to your physical shape? (ex. fat loss, dimension loss, muscular definition, posture, etc.) If so, list the benefits.

Some benefits to my physical shape is that I feel good and I sleep well.

Do you like how you look? Is there anything you can do that will result in you liking your physical shape more?

Yes I like the way I look and I would not change anything about myself


Do you feel better when you are fit/when you exercise? YES NO NO DIFFERENCE Explain:

I feel like I have more energy and I sleep better

Do you know the difference between feeling fit and feeling unfit? YES NO Explain:

When you are not fit you are more likely to be lazy and are not as motivated and when you are fit you have more energy, motivation and you feel better


(answer the following based on the sample situations) Do you feel physically capable of meeting an emergency such as a fire in your home? YES NO

If you underwent a serious operation, how do you think your current physical condition would affect your recovery? SPEED IT UP / NO DIFFERENCE / SLOW IT DOWN Explain:

If _I dont think that my current physical condition would slow down or speed up my recovery_

If a car is speeding out of control, do you have the strength, speed, agility and reaction time to avoid getting hit? I THINK SO / I DOUBT IT


On average, how many school days do you miss per year for medical reasons?

0-2 / 3-5 / 6-10 / 11-15 / 15+

Do you think a person’s fitness is connected to the number of sick days they take? YES NO Explain:

If you have good fitness you have a less chance of getting sick


If you maintain your current physical condition 30 years from now, are you _///__likely or ___unlikely to suffer from any of the following ailments: postural defects, heart disease, degenerative bone disease, high blood pressure, low back pain, and stress-induced diseases like anxiety and worry.

Are you currently willing to take steps to avoid the above listed problems? YES NO Explain (what and why): Because I have a lot of cancer Alzheimer’s and heart disease and I dont want to get any of them


There is evidence that physical fitness can contribute to a longer life span. Make predictions about your level of participation in fitness and activities in the future.

At 20 years old my fitness will be: POOR FAIR STRONG I will participate in the following sports/fitness-related activities:

I will try to participate in sports that I do now

At 40 years old my fitness will be: POOR FAIR STRONG I will participate in the following sports/fitness-related activities: I will try to participate in sports that I do now

At 60 years old my fitness will be: POOR FAIR STRONG I will participate in the following sports/fitness-related activities: I will try to participate in sports that I do now