Sience app review

What does this app do

It let you learn what happens when a ballon on a shirt and how it stick to the wall

What subjets in sience does this app cover

Static electicity

Does this ap work well


Can it be understood quickly


Does it actually teach anything

Yes it does it was helpful during sience


I had fun with this app

Mutation story

  1. How do you get down syndrome?
  2.  What do you look like when you have down syndrome?
  3.  When do you know you have down syndrome?
  4.  Is down syndrome fatal?



  1. Having extra copies of genes on chromosome 21 disrupts the course of normal development, causing the characteristic features of Down syndrome and the increased risk of health problems associated with this condition
  2. slanting eyes,a wide space between their eyes,a small, flat nose,short fingers, hands, toes, feet,short arms and legs.
  3. Diagnostic tests, such as chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis. These can show if a baby has Down syndrome. You may want to have these tests if you have abnormal results from a screening test or if you are worried about Down syndrome.
  4. During the early years of life, children with Down Syndrome are 10 to 15 times more likely than other children to develop leukemia, a disease that can be fatal. but down syndrome is not fatal it self.
