Aliens. What are they?. I have always wondered this since my Father brought the realization to me that aliens are very real. But the real question is what if they came here trying to invade us? would we stand a chance? Would we hide or run?
I have always wanted to explore this topic and put my curiosity somewhat at ease.

In all honesty, I believe that this could happen one day. Over the past 100 years there has been 100,000 UFO sightings according to

Dr. Kaku, who is on the Discovery channel’s Curiosity series says, “the human race wouldn’t stand a chance if Aliens came to Earth and attacked us.”

This is a picture of mars from the satellite and an expected life form on the ground. This is not a human because as we know it, humans are not on mars yet. A black figure could be anything. So is the only real answer is its a extra-terrestrial?

A highly known part of our planet for alien activity and undiscovered information. Area 51 is a very top-secret military base located in the Nevada desert established in 1955 by the CIA. I truly think that the government are hiding aliens behind those closed doors. I watched the movie District 9 when I was 7 years old. The movie is somewhat relevant of the idea of aliens coming to our planet. Behind there, all the aliens live in small houses built out of scrap metal. The people in Africa where the movie was filmed, they weren’t able to communicate with them very well but we kept them in camps like animals? Someone wouldn’t just come up with that, there must be some sort of theory behind it and I believe it exists

In this picture, a scientist or doctor appears to be examining a extra-terrestrial. This photo looks quite real to me considering the tools in the bin in the back,  the scientist wearing a full rubber suit including gloves and the look of the room. This doesn’t look like an ordinary room or hospital room of any kind. This may be real proof of existence.

According to aliens haven’t reached earth yet. According to, they have been here for a while.
There are so many supporting researches that they do exist, but at the same time, there is still so many things that are unsolved.
On, they arise what a physicist Michio Kaku states that if aliens invaded our planet, it would be like Bambi vs Godzilla. Although humans have discovered many great weapons, we have no idea what aliens could have created in they’re time
As far as I’m concerned, an attack on mankind could happen at any moment. The entire Area 51 existence has put me to believe that aliens exist and are here. I believe that the CIA knows more than we would think and possibly they would have somewhat of an idea on what to do if our planet was going to be invaded. I think that if we were invaded, everyone who had the chance to be informed would go somewhere to hide. Maybe in a closet or underground. I don’t think the government would do much to help us. The best chance for humanity is to bunker underground in my opinion. That’s what they do in the movies when there are crazy alien creatures chasing them. If the government was able to issue a world wide emergency and we only had 2 hours until they got here, we would need to drive for our lives, hide where not even people can find us and I suppose just wait.Our army wouldn’t be able to handle an invasion like that. Of course I think they would try or the government would also tell them to go hide. If anything, the government should try to make emends with the aliens and try to convince them to spare our earth and humanity, unless of course we cannot communicate with the aliens then everybody would need to hide for they’re lives. WE would stand no chance if they wanted to hurt us and that is the bottom line. What would you do to prevent yourself from being a possible human experiment?

This video is quite an eye catcher for me. This clip shows a silver almond or oval shaped object hovering in different directions, continuously flashing lights in different patterns. Now the difference on this video is that you can clearly tell that this is not a helicopter or airplane. If this was either of those the light pattern would be the same

Aliens could be here for all we know. If you think about it, if something was able to find our planet, they’re technology is completely universal and we would have no chance if they wanted to do something. Or they would be just surprised and want to study us? There are endless amounts of possibilities when it comes to what aliens are capable of. Possibly after these head-bobbling assumptions and or facts, everyone else may reconsider this extreme possibility of being invaded by extra-terrestrials.

Creative Reflection

When ever we are required to do a project with research I always expand my mind and think of so many things. Myself not communicating with others will help me focus on what I’m researching and once I start, as long as no one distracts me or bothers me I wot stop until I am satisfied with my amount of research and until I know my teacher will also be satisfied. I love going on a research binge for projects, It lets me relax In a way and  always feel proud!