The objective of this assignment was to interview someone who is involved in somethings your passionate about and ask them a series of questions relating to they’re experience in they’re career. I chose my mother to interview because I feel like she has always worked very hard to support me and my younger sister. being a singe mom is not easy as I imagine, but my mom always puts a smile on her face and her job life really does interest me because it is such a social job and I really think her job takes a lot of social effort and it really did make me curious. Here are the questions I have asked her and her responses.

My mother job is that she is the Retirement Counselor (Sales & marketing in Astoria Retirement Community)

Questions and Answers

1-Why are you passionate about your job?

I am passionate about people and building relationships and that is exactly what I get to do in my job. Plus I love seniors and helping them enrich their lives. Helping others is my passion.

2-What obstacles have you faced to get where you are today?

The job I’m doing today is not something I thought I would be doing. I had no experience for my position other than customer service so of course I felt very intimidated and under qualified. I went for it despite my fear of failure. I had to really learn everything on my own as I went for along which was difficult and overwhelming at times. And I really had to prove myself deserving of the important position and turns out I’m really good at it!.

3-What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what your doing?

Always go for it even if its scary or intimidating. In my position you really have to care about people and genuinely want to get to know them. You have to be able to earn trust. Patience is required and the ability to have uncomfortable conversations. It’s all about how you make people feel. They may not remember what you said to them but they remember how you made them feel.

4-Would you be open to further contact from RSS students and if so, How can someone contact you?

Yes absolutely! My work email is (

5-How do you get over the stressful times in your job?

Don’t take anything personally. Really understand that anything good or bad will pass so even if something is difficult or stressful in the moment, I know that it will pass. I also pray and meditate daily. Also do one thing or one task at a time.

6-Is there anything you wish to change about your employment?

I would certainly love to make more money, I know that will eventually come to me. I wouldn’t change anything, I love my job and I only want to see it get better.


I have learned from interviewing my mother that no matter how crazy tings may get there is always a bright side and that things won’t always be stressful. I have learned that determination and motivation is key to success. I look up to my mom and am so amazingly proud of how far she has come. This influences me positively because eventually I want a job where I can connect and create relationships with people.