Week 8 – Math 10

This week in math 10, we learned about Coordinate Planes and what domain and range are. The domain is the set of all numbers for the independent variables in the relation. The range is the set of all numbers for the dependent variable in the relation. Both the input and output of a function are […]

Math 10 – Week 7

In Week 7 of Math 10 we learned how to solve ugly trinomials. The example for today will be 3x²+11x+6. First, you should draw a square and divide it into four little squares. Then, you write down all the factors of that number and put them in empty spaces of the box. You take the […]

Week 6 – Math 10

This week in math we learned about factoring by taking a common factor. The greatest common factor of two or more monomials is the product of all their common prime factors. For example, the GCF of 5x and 10x² is 5x. To factor the GCF out of a polynomial, we do the following: Find the GCF […]

Week 5 – Math 10

 This week, we learned about Polynomials. When you multiply two binomials, you can use a lot of methods that using diagram, using the distributive property, and using FOIL. I am going to determine (2x+4)(3x+3) using them. The FOIL method is a technique used to help remember the steps required to multiply two binomials.

Week 4 – Math 10

This week, we learned about Trigonometric Ratios on Calculator. It was the first time to solve a problem with a calculator, so I was confused which buttons to press, but after solving a lot of problems, it was interesting to solve them to use it. First, we have to find function values for sine, cosine […]

Week 3 – Math 10

This week, we learned about Trigonometry Ratios. I was having trouble distinguishing opposite, hypotenuse, and adjacent. I could distinguish them by solving problems. Given a right triangle with a non-right angle designated as θ. we can label the hypotenuse (always the side opposite the right angle) and then label the other two sides “with respect […]

Week 1 – Math 10

This week we learned about Prime Factorization.Prime number can be divided evenly only by 1 or itself. A Natural number greater than 1 that is not prime is called  Composite number. For example, among the numbers 1 through 8, the numbers 2, 3, 5 and 7 are the prime numbers, as there are no other numbers […]