Topography of Canada

Kamilla & Tatiana Arctic Reign: The Arctic Reign have mountain, lowlands, and plains. The Canadian shield pushed sedimentary rock and fried fold mountains which are called the Innuitian Mountains Cordillera Reign: The Cordillera Reign have parallel mountain ranges separated by plateaus, trenches and valleys from British Columbia and the Yukon. Interior Plains Reign: The Interior […]

DNA model

The things that we used to make the DNA model were… liquorice, baby marshmallows and tooth picks. The backbone was the liquorice The bas was the marshmallows And the structure that holds that backbone and bas together were the toothpicks yes this activity was very helpful in the way of it showed how everything is […]

International Space Station

on November 20, 1998 the international was launched into space. NASA uses the space station to help know what it is like to live and work in space. There are 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a gym, the station can hold up to one million pounds.Up to 6 people can live in the space station […]