Consequences of Irish Immigration

This picture is trying to show how the British believed that the Irish were monsters and not humans. In the picture the British man is cowering down in front of the Irish “monster”, as the Irish is towering over him looking like he is going to hurt the British. The British are trying to show […]

Expectations of Woman in 1800’s

Back in the 1800’s woman where treated very poorly and weren’t given any opportunity to do what they wanted. Men over powered woman and made every mission in there life, where they lived, where there money went…etc. Although woman equality has come along way since the 1800’s. I feel like there are still things that […]

Life in Upper Canada

Land Issues  In this picture I see a graph showing all the spot available to rent or buy. (Crown and Clergy Reserves, Newtown, Upper Canada, with one-seventh of the land held for clergy reserves, and one- seventh to produce government revenue, c. 1800. National Archives of Canada, NMC288) Loyalty to Britain  In this picture I see […]

Week 2 Math 10

This week I learned how to convert radicals in to the simplest form of  mixed radicals. First you do the prime factorization of the radical. Then you take the numbers you divided with (the 2) you put the numbers together and then group them in 3’s. Multiply them all together and then you get your […]