Battle of seven oaks

The battle of seven oaks all started when the governor of Selkirk colony who made the law that pemmican was not allowed to leave the colony. The Selkirk colony also made a law that buffalo running was now illegal. The battle only lasted 15 minutes, the battle was between the HBC and the Metis.  After […]

pg. 138-142 Horizons

Read pp 138-142 in Horizons: Why did First Nations women marry French-Canadian fur traders? -As well as creating social connections, the marriages also firmed loyalty and economic ties between the traders and the First Nations with whom they worked.   Which company (HBC or NWC) would be more likely to be working with the Metis […]


Charlottetown Confederation  September 1-9, 1864 was when Charlottetown conference was put into action. The people of the Maritimes were talking and discussing their union. After the conference began people kept talking about things such as financial agreements. Quebec Confederation The confederation of Quebec was held on October 10, 1864 in Quebec City. The people of […]

Math 10: Week 11 reflections

Solving Polynomials with algebra tiles When you put the braces with the positive numbers on the top all the shaded or positive tiles will be on the top half, and the negatives will be on the bottom half. Also the X^2 will always be in the top left and the single cubes will always be […]

Internal political causes of confederation

Independence: Politicians that did not belong anywhere such as a party Representation by population: How many seat they got in the house of commons as how many people there were per “zone” Equal Representation: No mater what the population is there is an equal amount of people in each party Double Majority: For any law […]

Economic Situation in the 1860’s

In Canada people were working on the railway to make way money. It was also an easy way to make money.  By them making this railroad it opened a lot of new things suck as markets and other regions coming together. The reciprosity treaty made Canada earn more profit by trading with the USA. They then […]