Math 10: Week 18 Reflections

This week in math I learned how to do substitution. Substation is a method on how to find the X and the Y variables in an equation. The first step is looking at the 2 equations and seeing if there is any that can cancel each other out (a negative and a positive) if not […]

Greater Vancouver History Tour

Kingsway- Old first nations trail, it now follows false creek route. Gastown- John Deighton had a vision, he paddled in Burrard Inlet on the last day of September. He announced to all the Mill workers they could have all the whisky they could drink if they would help him build a bar. The globe Saloon […]

Why were the treaties signed?

The reason why the treaties were signed was on the count that the aboriginals wanted to make peace. It was also signed because of communication issues that went on. The treaty was signed by a 105 year old man so there had to be come miscommunication or misunderstanding because of his age. Also the Aboriginals […]

Political Cartoon

Description- So for my project I decided to make a “Monopoly” board. I drew all the major events in the order that they happened. While I was drawing I tried to show everything in symbols instead of just drawing exactly what the event was.   For my project, I made a “monopoly” board. So the […]

Math 10: week 15 Reflection

This week I learned a “slope trick”. When you have the 2 coordinates  you place them into a T-chart labeled rise/ run you then see the top coordinate under rise and see if it goes up or down to the number below it. that is then the run and then you do the same for the […]

Pg. 197-201

Why did MacDonald develop the National Policy? John A. MacDonald created the National Policy in 1876. The three main parts of the policy was a system of protective tariffs, increased immigration, and the CPR. The voters agreed with MacDonald when him and his party went back they had a large majority. List and explain each […]